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ASCA is happy to provide assistance and funding to its members (staff and PhD’s) for the organization of research activities, such as workshops, conferences, seminars and public lectures.

Practical assistance

The ASCA office can assist with booking rooms, ordering catering and announcing the event.


Applications for funding should meet the following criteria:

  • the event should be organized by an ASCA member and be relevant and open to other researchers in cultural analysis;
  • ASCA does not offer fees to speakers (exceptions are only made for artists, activists and precarious academics)
  • the funding application should be sent well in advance of the event or deadline for submissions and should include a short description of the event, the names of the organizers and a budget
  • at least one month before the event or the deadline for submissions, ASCA receives an announcement in English for the website and the newsletter;
  • ASCA is acknowledged in all materials related to the event as (co-)organizer;
  • ASCA only sponsors events which are inclusive and respect diversity.

Depending on the needs of the organizers and ASCA’s available budget, ASCA will sponsor events for a maximum amount of € 1.000,- .


Other options

If you need additional funds, you can always approach te national research schools, like NICA, RMeS, OSL or, OZSW.

Or search at ResearchConnect: