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On April 11, 2021 ASCA Transasia member Arnoud Arps hosted the free and online Talk Show Indonesia: The Rough Guide to Indonesian Fantastic Pop Culture at the Imagine Film Festival.

On April 11th at 15:00 fellow Transasia member Arnoud Arps will host the free and online Talk Show Indonesia: The Rough Guide to Indonesian Fantastic Pop Culture at the Imagine Film Festival. The talk show is part of the broader festival theme of Ghosts and Demons in the Indonesian Genre Film, which connects the talk show to three Indonesian horror films to be screened. He will be joined by curator and journalist Hikmat Darmawan, lecturer and researcher Ekky Imanjaya, visual artist Enka Komariah, gallery owner Sander Salim and DJ and music archaeologist Michiel Sekan. The talk show will focus on Comics, Film, Visual Art and Music.