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Eliza Mazadiego receives Funding from the European Commission (Marie Curie Career Integration Grant)

​​​​​​Elize Mazadiego’s project aims to problematise conceptual art’s ‘internationalism’ and the persistent binary between Euro-American conceptual art and global conceptualism with a re-examination of the interregional flows and networks of production between the two. Mazadiego will comprehensively study transnational artists who fled from Latin American repressive political regimes to Western Europe between 1968-1979, yet conceivably moving in and out of Conceptualism’s centres. The aim of this research is to develop our understanding of Latin American conceptualist art practices as they developed and adapted in a diasporic context, with the objective to demonstrate the fundamental importance of these artists to the development of Conceptual art in Europe and its international context beyond the U.S.