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Claudia Aanonsen

Producing Cybersecurity Knowledge: A sociotechnical analysis of cybersecurity and associated cultures

Supervisors: Rocco Bellanova, Stefania Milan

May Abbas El-Tonsi

Feminism in popular culture, where art thou? A study of the representation of women in Egyptian television series

Supervisors: Jaap Kooijman, Maaike Voorhoeve, Joke Hermes

Parvez Alam

On the Genealogy of Walter Benjamin’s Conception of Now-Time: The Significance of Sufi Influence in the Analysis of Theoretical, Cultural and Political Representations of the Now.       

Supervisors: Maria Boletsi, Joost de Bloois, Yaniv Hagbi

Julée Al-Bayaty

Literary Studies: Re-Imagining Water in the Neerlandophone Space

Supervisors: Marrigje Paijmans, Gaston Franssen

Carine Alders

The forgotten legacy of Dutch composers suppressed by the Nazi’s

Supervisors: Julia Kursell, Rob van der Laarse and P. Lelieveldt

Peyman Amiri

Carceral (P)Artisanry

Supervisors | Hanneke Stuit, Robin Celikates, Guy Geltner

Benoit Antille

The Artist as Expert: A Critical Research on the Project Economy

Supervisors: Jeroen Boomgaard, Mia Lerm-Hayes

Anthi Argyriou

Mediterranean Drifts|The Aesthetics and Politics of Contemporary Art in Greece in the Context of the Refugee Crisis 

Supervisors | Maria Boletsi, Esther Peeren

Samaneh Assadi-Nowghabi

The Interaction Between Women's Real Life Role in Society and the Roles they are Given in Iranian Cinema After the Islamic Revolution 1979

Supervisors: Misha Kavka

Fairuzah Munaaya Atchulo

A Fashionable mediating power: Examining the role of fashion as a mediating power in Africa-China relations in Kenya and Mozambique.

Supervisors: Tommy Tse, Patricia Pisters

Ilker Bahar

Mirror Dwelling in VRChat, its queer potential and role in community building and intimacy

Supervisors: Misha Kavka, Toni Pape

Omar Barghouti

Ethical Decolonization & De-dichotomization of Identities in a  Settler-Colonial Conflict: A Moral Foundation for a Secular Democratic State in Historic Palestine

Supervisors: Yolande Jansen, Sarah Bracke

Shekoufeh Behbehani

Cinema and Gender Politics in Contemporary Iran: Subversive or Co-extensive

Supervisors: Murat Aydemir, Gerard Wiegers

Bjorn Beijnon

Schizophrenia and the Construction of Reality: Experiencing Subjectivities through Virtual Reality.

Supervisor: Patricia Pisters, Gaston Franssen

Giulia Bellinetti

Call to Arms: Art Institutions in the Age of Ecological Emergency

Supervisors | Jeff Diamanti, Esther Peeren

Karin Benjamin van Lierop

A full hearing of Spoken Word Poetry in Cape Vernacular Afrikaans

Supervisors: Margriet van der Waal, Gaston Franssen

Turkuaz Benlioglu

Walter Benjamin’s atmospheric hermeneutics

Supervisors: Ben Moore, Monique Roelofs

Laurin Berresheim

Balancing Privacy - Resolving Conflicts Between Interests

Supervisors: Beate Roessler, Thomas Nys

Cas Bezemer

Inscribing Sonic Space between Body and Ether: Epistemological Modalities of Media, Embodiment and Speculation in the Art of Ryoji Ikeda

Supervisors: Barbara Titus, Julia Kursell

Suzanne Biewinga

Values in Old Age, in Search of a New semantic Space

Supervisor | Rene Boomkens

Barbara Bleij

The Theory of Tonal Jazz Harmony: Towards an Integrated Approach

Supervisor: Walter van de Leur 

Bogna Bochińska

Meanders of memory: The media archaeological study of environmental remembrance and transnationality along the river Oder.

Supervisors: Patricia Pisters, Leonie Schmidt

Jelke Bosma

The Urban Opportunities and Challenges of Airbnb

Supervisors | Niels van Doorn, Rivke Jaffe

Emine Bostanci

The Development of Instrumental Music in Ottoman/Turkish Maqam Music: Experimental Studies Between the Years 1940 - 2000

Supervisors: Julia Kursell, Barbara Titus, Anne van Oostrum

Laila Bouziane

Utopia, Technology and Posthuman Bodies in Jeanette Winterson Fiction

Supervisors: Esther Peeren, Niall Martin

Alice Breemen

Between Thinking and Doing: Performance Philosophy as perspective for analysing audience’s changing role in artistic events and democracy

Supervisor: Kati Röttger

Castor Brouwer

Another Disappearing Audience? Towards an Integrated Study of Standpoint Epistemologies and Intersectionality for Critical Media Literacy Education         

Supervisors: Sudeep Dasgupta, Blandine Joret

Jetske Brouwer

Wilding Sustainability: Towards an Ecofeminist, Decolonial, Posthuman Concept of Care

Supervisors: Yolande Janssen, Jana Cattien

Rodrigo Brum

Through Southern Lenses: A Post-Colonial Exploration of Film Schooling in Africa and Latin America

Supervisors: Giovanna Fossati, Asli Özgen

Tânia Alexandra Esteves Fernandes Cardoso

The illustrated cityscape: imperfect lines of urban exploration

Supervisors | Emilie Sitzia, Carolyn Birdsall

Leila Cherribi

Vernacular Disruptions: Reading Postcolonial Literature in Dutch

Supervisor | Yolande Jansen, Richard van Leeuwen

Karin Christof

The Citizen Professional as New Co-Actor in Urban Space Production

Supervisor | René Boomkens

Martino Cipriani

Audiovisual Archives in the Mekong Region: Digitization, Policies and Cultural expression of Southeast Asian Film Heritage

Supervisors | Giovanna Fossati and Floris Paalman

Bethany Crawford

Pleasuring Technics

Supervisors: Misha Kavka, Toni Pape

Teresa Del Sole

Reconceptualizing pornography: empirical and philosophical perspectives for liberation

Supervisors: Mari Mikkola, Selin Gerlek

Nadica Denić

Cinematic Ethics of Migration: Auto-Ethnographic Migrant Perspectives in Contemporary Documentary Film.

Supervisors: Patricia Pisters, Carolyn Birdsall

Els Diekerhof

Practices and Principles of Journalistic Information Gathering and Verification in the Digital Age

Supervisor: Mark Deuze

Jack Dignam 

The Future is in Our Mouths: Enthusiasm & The Essaying Subject

Supervisors: Stefan Niklas, Monique Roelofs 

Georgios Douliakas

Mediating Justice: Politics, Media, Theatre and Law in the Golden Dawn Trial

Supervisors | Maria Boletsi, Yasco Horsman

Nadia Drescher-Lambertus

Island Imbroglios. Aruban Issues and Publics on Facebook

Supervisor | Richard Rogers

Calvin Duggan

Literary Tourism at the Peripheries: A Relational Analysis of the Hay Festival in Rural Wales and in the ‘Global South’

Supervisors: Esther Peeren, Niall Martin

Samuel Ludmila Dyrborg

(Trans)sexualities and Psychoanalysis

Supervisors: Marija Cetinic, Diego Semerene, Misha Kavka

Joe van der Eerden

The Politics of Depression. A critical analysis of the political-epistemological limits of major depressive disorder

Supervisors: Patricia Pisters, Julian Kiverstein

Charles Esche

From Experimental Institutionalism to the Demodern Museum: Experimentation and Self-Reflection in Visual Art Institutions from 1989 to the present.

Supervisors | Mia Lerm-Hayes and Joost de Bloois

Florence Evans

Things that matter: attuning to structural violence in post-dictatorial Buenos Aires 

Supervisor: Sruti Bala, Boris Noordenbos

Qidi Feng

Wig Trade in Guangzhou: Entangled Beauty, Authenticity, and Identity

Supervisors: Tommy Tse, Jeroen de Kloet

Julia Ferloni

« Barvalo ». Designing an Exhibition on and with Roma Communities in a French National Museum

Supervisors | Emilie Sitzia, Margriet Schavemaker, Huub van Baar

Julian Fernandez

A Postmodern Vaudeville: Analysing the dramaturgical devices for distancing, commentary and reflection in the musicals of Bob Kander and Fred Ebb   

Supervisors: Kati Röttger, Millie Taylor, Julia Kursell

Agustin Ferrari Braun

Lady Credit’s New Clothes: The Constitution of European Financialised Subjectivities through FinTech Platforms

Supervisors: Thomas Poell, Niels van Doorn

Martina Flores Mendeville

Reception of the theatre of Heiner Müller in Latin America since 1989: artistic reinterpretations and political resonances

Supervisor: Kati Rottger

Harold García Rodríguez

La soberanía del vacío: Abe, Blanchot, Elizondo

Supervisor: Shelley Godsland

Will di Gavio

Remix, Reimagine & Reanimate: The Archival Potentials of Videographic Criticism

Supervisors: Jaap Kooijman, Floris Paalman

Valerica van der Geld-Dodan

Between memory and imagination: Homecoming in Aharon Appelfeld’s and Eva Hoffman’s autobiographies and fiction

Supervisors: Irene E. Zwiep and Yaniv Hagbi

Natalia Giraldo

Literary Geographies in the Sierra Nevada de Gonawindúa, Colombia

Supervisors: Irene Villaescusa Ilan, Rolando Vazquez Melken

Nim Goede

Thinking the Brain through Art and Neuroscience

Supervisor: Patricia Pisters, Machiel Keestra 

Avery Gosfield

Fare Musica Antica (Ebraica) reinventing a usable past

Supervisors | Julia Kursell, Irene Zwiep, Barbara Titus

Priyank Gothwal

Time and Colonialism: abstraction as the mode of temporality.

Supervisors: Esther Peeren, Achia Anzi

Emre Güler

Masculinity Crises in 60s' Novels: A Blast From the Past?

Supervisors: Maria Boletsi, Ernst van Alphen

Basma Hamdy

Radical Design Archives: alternative approaches to archiving and digitizing graphic design history in the ARAB region.

Supervisors: Annet Dekker, Chiara de Cesari

Lonneke van Heugten

Festival curation in the forcefield of international prestige and national heritage

Supervisor | Kati Rottger

Erwin van ‘t Hof

Future news work: mapping and understanding atypical journalism

Supervisors: Mark Deuze and Mirjam Prenger

Jueling Hu

Techno-futurism(s) in China:Infrastructure of Imaginaries and the Fabrication of Power

Supervisors: Misha Kavka, Christine Bichsel

Pengnan Hu

China’s global cinema: state-driven film-related co-operations with BRI countries.

Supervisors: Jeroen de Kloet and Patricia Pisters 

Serra Hughes

Worlding Communication: Novel Communication Barriers in Global Science Fiction and Speculative Literature         

Supervisors: Esther Peeren, Emelia Quinn

Paul Hung

Understanding Dutch Heritage from the Perspective of East Asian Immigrants.

Supervisors: Kati Röttger, David Duindam

Daphne Idiz 

Netflix and European Media Production

Supervisors: Thomas Poell, Julia Noordegraaf

Noriko Ishida

Sanskritic Metres in Old and Modern Javanese: A Study of Their Musical and Literary Features

Supervisors | Julia Kursell, Barbara Titus

Emilija Jokubauskaitė

The Platformization of the Global Sex Industry: Markets, Morals, and Mass Intimacy

Supervisors | Thomas Poell and Olav Velthuis

Vagia Kalfa

The ‘lesbian continuum’ in Greek literature of the 20th and 21st centuries

Supervisors: Maria Boletsi and Elizabeth Arseniou

Katerina Kallivroussi

Greekness and Crisis: Decolonial perspectives and alternative futurities in the visual arts, film and performance during the Greek crisis

Supervisors: Maria Boletsi, Eva Fotiadi, Kristina Gegaudaite

Yorgos Karagiannopoulos

Social Movements and the Discovery of Social Reality

Supervisors: Mari Mikkola, Daniel Loick

Safae el Khannoussi el Bouidrin

Postcolonial Carcerality: Thinking Abolitionist Strategies in North Africa

Supervisors: Daniel Loick, Jana Cattien

Mary Finley Keller

Belief and the Will

Supervisors |  Christian Skirke

Yazan Khalili

The Institution as Ideology: Re-imagining cultural practices in Palestine

Supervisors: Chiara de Cesari, Jeroen de Kloet

Frédérique Khazoom

Representation of cultural identities in Netflix series: a transnational experience of television? The case of Criminal

Supervisors: Toni Pape, Misha Kavka

Erik Kluitenberg

Media Swarms - Sef-Mediation, Affect, and Emergent Forms of Political Assciation in the "Movements of the Squares

Supervisor | Richard Rogers

Hannah Kochs

Making the Invisible Visible in the GenAI Supply Chain: Ethics of Human Red-Teaming

Paula Helm, Tobias Blanke

Fani Konstantinidou

The Making of Composers

Supervisor | Julia Kursell 

Anna Kleiman

Provisional thesis title: Dirty Looks: feminine visuality in discursive normalization of sexual violence

Supervisors: Murat Aydemir, Noa Roei

Suzanne Kooloos

“Actie, Bubbel en Windnegotie” (Action, Bubble and Wind Trade) – a World of Folly, Paper and Performance. Economies of Theatre in the Dutch Republic.

Supervisors: Kati Rottger, Jan Lazardzig

Linda Kopitz

Artificial Amsterdam: Architectural Writing and the Urban (Re)imagination of Nature

Supervisors: Markus Stauff, Maryn Wilkinson

Timoteus  Anggawan Kusno

Dismantling the Nostalgia: Art Practices Dealing with Colonial Leftovers

Supervisors: Leonie Schmidt, Jeroen de Kloet

Annemijn Kwikkers

Unregulated Automated Journalism

Supervisors: Beate Roessler, Eva Groen-Reijman

Shin-Jie Lee

Dwelling Spaces: A Study on the Aesthetics and Politics of Contemporary Artist-in-Residencies

Supervisors: Margriet Schavemaker, Sruti Bala

Jasmijn Leeuwenkamp

Do Earthly Beings Have Dignity? Human Rights Beyond the Nature/Culture Divide

Supervisors: Yolande Jansen and Huub Dijstelbloem

Noortje de Leij

The Foundations of Criticism: The Case of October

Supervisors | Johan Hartle, Mia Lerm Hayes, Sven Lütticken

Vuma Levin

Reimagining Traditional Indigenous South African Musical Transcription and Notation For Applied Composition and Performance Practices

Supervisors: Walter van de Leur, Maya Verlaak

Yonathan Listik

Political Stupidity: Why are we still not thinking politics?

Supervisors: Daniel Loick, and Yolande Jansen

Xichen Liu

Let’s Get the Dosage Right! The Pharmacology of Boredom and Technology in the Digital Age

Supervisors: Misha Kavka, Daniel de Zeeuw

Patricia Llorens

Between Europe and North Africa: Contemporary Francophone Jewish writers rom the Maghreb

Supervisor | Ieme van der Poel

Alvaro Lopez

Sexuality and violence across the Global North/Global South divide

Supervisor: Ben Moore and Patricia Pisters

Dieuwertje Luitse

Data Bodies

Supervisors: Tobias Blanke, Thomas Poell

Geli Mademli

Towards an Alternative Database Management System: Structuring Film Archives as Social Networks

Supervisor | Robin Boast, Giovanna Fossati

Gabriel Maher

Spatial Justice Imaginaries | Q(ueerinG)IS

Supervisors: Stefania Milan, Davide Beraldo

Bilyana Manolova

Becoming Post-Socialist: Life Writing and the Post-socialist Subject

Supervisors: Esther Peeren, Boris Noordenbos

Luc Marraffa

Interrupting Broadcasts|Broadcasting Interruptions: a study of subjectivation in colonial soundscapes

Supervisors: meLê Yamomo, Carolyn Birdsall

Katy McAlary

Creating Beauty as an Act of Resistance: How a Feminist Global Graffiti Art Movement Shapes a Revolution through a Techno-Corporeal Aesthetic

Supervisors: Monique Roelofs, Sudha Rajagopalan

Brian McKenna

Analogue Visual Music: An Artistic Query into the relation of Self & Technology

Supervisors: Paula Albuquerque, Julia Kursell

Rosa Menkman

Untangling Resolutions. Through the lens of the image

Supervisors: Geert Lovink, Florian Cremer

Sara Messelaar Hammerschmidt

Anthropomorphic AI and Chatbots

Richard Rogers and Natalia Sanchez Querubin

Stephanie Morin

Politics as Vehicle of Art: A Study of the Patronage Networks Linking the Italian Transavangardia Movement to the Italian Socialist Party

Supervisors: Mia Lerm-Hayes & Gregor Langfeld

Eva Mos

Alternatives to the Corporate Sharing Economy

Supervisor | Niels van Doorn

Erica Moukarzel

Marking Memory on a Plate: Food Narratives from the Middle East

Supervisors: Esther Peeren and Noa Roei

Julia Mullié

at this moment stanley brouwn is at the distance of x feet from this pointe

Supervisors: Margriet Schavemaker, Sruti Bala

Skinner Myers

Black Star: Race, Representation, & the need for Intransigence against the Despotism of Anti-Blackness over Black Hollywood Cinema

Supervisors: Pei-Sze Chow, Patricia Pisters

Sinin Nakhle

From the Streets to the Screens: Following Activists in Contemporary Beirut

Supervisors: Thomas Poell, Eliza Steinbock

Grâce Ndjako

Black Disruption, White Reinforcement

Supervisors: Yolande Jansen, Michiel Leezenberg

Dan Oki

Infinite Regression in Autobiographic Cinema

Supervisors: Patricia Pisters, Laurent van Lancker

Gülce Özkara

My Life in the Bush of Ghosts: Artistic Use of Obsolete Audiovisual Media to Excavate Postcolonial First-Person Narratives

Supervisors: Asli Özgen-Havekotte, Giovanna Fossati

Monique Peperkamp

Art Materializing Time and (Dis)Entangling Nature-Cultures: Shifting Ecological Perceptions of the Present Past and Possible Futures.

Supervisors: Mia Lerm-Hayes & Jeff Diamanti

Simeona Petkova

Natively Digital Datasets of Memory

Supervisor | Richard Rogers 

Mateo Sanchez Petrement

Re-politicizing Psychedelics: Phenomenologies of Resonance Towards Acid Communist Futures

Supervisors: Joost de Bloois, Patricia Pisters

Marjolein Platjee

Refusing the Macabre Dance

Supervisor | Ben Moore, Barnita Bagchi 

Ian Pocervina

Exploring the Rhythms of Techno: A Discussion of Music, Culture, and Everyday Life

Supervisors: Oliver Seibt and Julia Kursell

Hannah Poon

Surviving in Abeyance: Hong Kong and the Politics of Culture

Supervisors: Jeroen de Kloet, Leonie Schmidt

Stijn Postema

Journalism as Artistic Practice

Supervisors | Mark Deuze, Jan van der Stoep

Fabienne Rachmadiev

Sublime Imperfections: Post-Soviet Trash Aestetics

Supervisors: Joost de Bloois, Ellen Rutten

Timon Ramaker

The Reflective Journalist

Supervisor | Mark Deuze

Anunaya Rajhans 

Meme Culture and the crisis of meaning in Indian public discourse

Supervisors | Thomas Poell, Marc Tuters

Matthew Rana

From Social Memory to Social Reproduction: The Expanded Cinema of Bernadette Mayer

Supervisors: Mia Lerm-Hayes, Paula Albuquerque, Marija Cetinic

Martina Raponi

An acoustemology of the unheard. The technology, the narrative, and the art of listening beyond aurality

Supervisors: Geert Lovink, Cecile Malaspina

Meital Raz

The Museum as a Lab: Environmental Exhibitions in Israel 1967-1994

Supervisors: Margriet Shavemaker, Noa Roei

Eke Reberger 

AI in het ontwerponderwijs: een kritische oriëntatie (AI in Design Education: A Critical Investigation)           

Supervisor: Geert Lovink, Sebastian Olma

Lingli Ren

“Earthy-Taste Culture”: Laughter, Comedy and Chinese Rural Imaginations

Supervisors: Esther Peeren, Jeroen de Kloet

Vanessa Richter

Imaginaries of Artificial Intelligence - Mapping (Social Media) Platforms’ Role in Shaping  (Public) Tech Imaginaries

Supervisors: Thomas Poell, Christian Katzenbach

Lennart Ritz

Klangspuren aus dem Pazifik. Klangepistemologien im Berliner Phonogramm-Archiv.

Supervisors | Barbara Titus, Julia Kursell, Birgit Abels

Rebecca Robinson

A Stakeholder Analysis of the Audio-Visual Sector in Trinidad & Tobago: Implications for Policy-making

Supervisors: Emiel Martens and Patricia Pisters

Joris Roelofs

Improvising Free Spirits: The Aesthetics of Unpredictability in the Thought of Arendt and Nietzsche

Supervisors: Walter van de Leur, Thomas Nys

Daan Roovers

Public Opinion in the Age of the Digital Public Sphere. A public philosophical approach to the expression and forming of opinions

Supervisors: Yolande Jansen and Robin Celikates

Charles Rouleau

Littorals as ecocritical sound milieus: ecomusicological field recording-based artistic research in transitional space

Supervisors: Julia Kursell, Jeff Diamanti

Bianka-Isabell Scharmann

Fashion as Moving Image: Dancing Figures, Swirling Fabrics

Supervisor: Marie-Aude Baronian

Sydney Schelvis

Dancing and Displacement: Embodied reverberations of gentrification in Amsterdam

Supervisors: Oliver Seibt, Julia Kursell

Lisa Schouten

The sound of Egyptian counterculture: rewriting notions of class, identity and culture through Mahraganat

Supervisors: Jaap Kooijman, Maaike Voorhoeve

Shao Shao

Celebrating the Chinese Rural? A Postfeminist Analysis of Female Rural-based Online Celebrities in China

Supervisors: Esther Peeren, Tommy Tse

Jie Shen

Algorithmic Imaginaries in Contemporary China

Supervisors: Joost de Bloois, Thomas Poell

Tijn Smits

Moral Truth: Exploring the Concept of Practical Cognition in Kant’s Ethics

Supervisors: Beate Roessler, Thomas Nys

Jori Snels

Gazing Ahead: China’s Imagined Futures in Digital Art. 

Supervisor | Jeroen de Kloet

Ira Solomatina

Impacts of globalisation upon women’s fashion in contemporary urban India, on the  example of Mumbai

Supervisors | Christine Delhaye, Rene Boomkens

Jialing Song

Gendering Digital Cultural Production in Chinese Platform Economy           

Supervisors: Jeroen de Kloet, Tommy Tse

Natalia Stanusch

Seeing with, by, and of AI: Mapping the Regimes of Algorithmic Vision

Supervisors: Richard Rogers, Natalia Sánchez-Querubín

Marieke van der Steen

Public Space Mime: Zero and the Politics of Daily Movements

Supervisors: Monique Roelofs, Annemie Halsema

Hanne Stegeman

The Platformization of the Global Sex Industry

Supervisors | Thomas Poell, Olav Velthuis

Eszter Szakacs

Socially Engaged Art and State Transformation in Hungary

Supervisors: Chiara de Cesari and Mia Lerm-Hayes

Karen Sztajnberg

Palpitating Subjects: South America, Desire, and Spectatorship

Supervisors: Abe Geil and Patricia Pisters

Oscar Talbot 

Towards Abolitionist Ecologies: Abolishing Eco-Carcerality

Supervisor: Daniel Loick

John Taukave

Oceanic Imaginaries, Oceanic Solidarities

Supervisors: Mikki Stelder, Laura Cull

Lelia Tavakoli Farsooni

Imagining the Rural in Contemporary British Culture

Supervisors | Esther Peeren, Hanneke Stuit

Miguel Tavera

Murmuring Springs (El Murmurar de las Fuentes).

Supervisors | Shelley Godsland

Guillén Torres

Everyday Acts of Institutional Resistance to Civic Empowerment: an Analysis of the Relations Between Data Activists, the State, and Public Sector Information & Open Data

Supervisors: Stefania Milan & Richard Rogers

Brian Trinanda

Ki Ageng Qithmir: Traditional Islamic Cosmology and the Making of Its Cosmological Music

Supervisors: Barbara Titus

Pinar Türer

Ethics of Intimacy: Reconfiguring Relational Knowledge Practices through Errant Movements in Transnational Art and Literature

Supervisor: Monique Roelofs

Gonca Turgen

Homelessness at Home in Contemporary Cinema of Turkey after 2013

Supervisors | Esther Peeren, Maryn Wilkinson

Jingyi Wan

Obsessed with “the West”: Xeniteia and Imperialisms in Contemporary East Asian Literature, Films and Television

Supervisors: Ansgar Mohnkern, Esther Peeren

Bo Wang

 Men who play with men: A Study on Contemporary Chinese Masculinity in the Age of Rising Cyber Nationalism 

Supervisors | Jeroen de Kloet, Rachel Spronk

Franziska Westhäuser

Passport Stories: Passport Regimes and (Narratological) Forms of Worldmaking in the Global South and Beyond

Supervisors | Yolande Jansen, Hanneke Stuit

Veerle van Wijngaarden

A Duty to Desire? On the Politics of Sexual Desire             

Supervisors: Daniel Loick, Jana Cattien

Yvette Wong

Being wenyi qingnian: A study of youth and creativity in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and mainland China

Supervisors: Jeroen de Kloet and Leonie Schmidt

Ermelinda Xheza

The Representation of the Refugee Crisis on the British and Greek Media. Did the mainstream media raise discourses of ethical responsibility towards the refugees?

Supervisor: Ellen Rutten, Tatiana Makakis

Ting Xu

Hope You "Tube" Well: Imagine E-emotional Regulation Via Educational Videos on Therapy

Supervisors: Aylin Kuryel, Karina van Dalen-Oskam, Christine Parsons (Aarhus University)

Özgür Yalçın

Radical Disobedience: An Agonistic Praxis Against Anti-Pluralism

Supervisors: Yolande Jansen, Erdoğan Yıldırım

Chuhan Yang

Entangled Landscape: Seeing Through Ruins in Chinese and European Art and Visual Culture

Supervisors | Ernst van Alphen and Jeroen de Kloet

Wang-Yun Yen

New Archival Site between Film and Installation: Experimental Documentary, Archive Medium and Museums

Supervisors | Giovanna Fossati, Annet Dekker

Yuko Yoshida

Silence after Catastrophe: Disaster Survivor Witnessing in Contemporary Japan

Supervisors: Ellen Rutten, Ernst van Alphen

Alex Zakkas

Critical Assessment of Technologies for Remote Examination in Higher Education

Supervisors: Geert Lovink, Christian Detweiler

Parisa Zandbaf

From the ‘cut’ to the ‘Imaginary’: How the Cinema of Abbas Kiarostami Encourages the  Audience to Imagine

Supervisors: Josef Früchtl, Abe Geil

Chenyang Zhang

Searching for Accessibility and Inclusivity: An Archaeology of Film Cataloging Infrastructures from Cards to Databases

Supervisors: Giovanna Fossati, Christian Olesen

Tianran Zhang

Fluid Heterotopias: Gendered Bodies and Spaces in Modern British and Chinese Women’s Writing

Supervisors: Ben Moore, Carrol Clarkson

Karla Zavala Barreda

Apps for Learning: A software study analysis of mobile applications for language development in children

Supervisor: Stefania Milan

Chen Zhou

Imagining the Rural in Contemporary China from a Perspective of Cultural Biographies of Everyday Objects.

Supervisors: Esther Peeren, Jeroen de Kloet

Shiyi Zhu

Modern Self And Modern Horror: Post-Impressionist Aesthetics in Virginia Woolf and Eileen Chang

Supervisors: Emilie Sitzia, Nicholas Carr, Rachel Esner