Producing Cybersecurity Knowledge: A sociotechnical analysis of cybersecurity and associated cultures
Supervisors: Rocco Bellanova, Stefania Milan
Feminism in popular culture, where art thou? A study of the representation of women in Egyptian television series
Supervisors: Jaap Kooijman, Maaike Voorhoeve, Joke Hermes
On the Genealogy of Walter Benjamin’s Conception of Now-Time: The Significance of Sufi Influence in the Analysis of Theoretical, Cultural and Political Representations of the Now.
Supervisors: Maria Boletsi, Joost de Bloois, Yaniv Hagbi
Literary Studies: Re-Imagining Water in the Neerlandophone Space
Supervisors: Marrigje Paijmans, Gaston Franssen
The forgotten legacy of Dutch composers suppressed by the Nazi’s
Supervisors: Julia Kursell, Rob van der Laarse and P. Lelieveldt
Carceral (P)Artisanry
Supervisors | Hanneke Stuit, Robin Celikates, Guy Geltner
The Artist as Expert: A Critical Research on the Project Economy
Supervisors: Jeroen Boomgaard, Mia Lerm-Hayes
Mediterranean Drifts|The Aesthetics and Politics of Contemporary Art in Greece in the Context of the Refugee Crisis
Supervisors | Maria Boletsi, Esther Peeren
Eco-Islam in Indonesia: Media, Institutions, Publics
Supervisors: Leonie Schmidt, Jeroen de Kloet
A Vehicle for Self-Limitation: The Cultural and Societal Impact of Electric Vehicles on Climate Mitigation Discourses
Supervisors: Esther Peeren, Peter van Dam
The Interaction Between Women's Real Life Role in Society and the Roles they are Given in Iranian Cinema After the Islamic Revolution 1979
Supervisors: Misha Kavka
A Fashionable mediating power: Examining the role of fashion as a mediating power in Africa-China relations in Kenya and Mozambique.
Supervisors: Tommy Tse, Patricia Pisters
Mirror Dwelling in VRChat, its queer potential and role in community building and intimacy
Supervisors: Misha Kavka, Toni Pape
Ethical Decolonization & De-dichotomization of Identities in a Settler-Colonial Conflict: A Moral Foundation for a Secular Democratic State in Historic Palestine
Supervisors: Yolande Jansen, Sarah Bracke
Cinema and Gender Politics in Contemporary Iran: Subversive or Co-extensive
Supervisors: Murat Aydemir, Gerard Wiegers
Schizophrenia and the Construction of Reality: Experiencing Subjectivities through Virtual Reality.
Supervisor: Patricia Pisters, Gaston Franssen
Call to Arms: Art Institutions in the Age of Ecological Emergency
Supervisors | Jeff Diamanti, Esther Peeren
A full hearing of Spoken Word Poetry in Cape Vernacular Afrikaans
Supervisors: Margriet van der Waal, Gaston Franssen
Walter Benjamin’s atmospheric hermeneutics
Supervisors: Ben Moore, Monique Roelofs
Balancing Privacy - Resolving Conflicts Between Interests
Supervisors: Beate Roessler, Thomas Nys
Inscribing Sonic Space between Body and Ether: Epistemological Modalities of Media, Embodiment and Speculation in the Art of Ryoji Ikeda
Supervisors: Barbara Titus, Julia Kursell
Values in Old Age, in Search of a New semantic Space
Supervisor | Rene Boomkens
Meanders of memory: The media archaeological study of environmental remembrance and transnationality along the river Oder.
Supervisors: Patricia Pisters, Leonie Schmidt
The Urban Opportunities and Challenges of Airbnb
Supervisors | Niels van Doorn, Rivke Jaffe
The Development of Instrumental Music in Ottoman/Turkish Maqam Music: Experimental Studies Between the Years 1940 - 2000
Supervisors: Julia Kursell, Barbara Titus, Anne van Oostrum
Utopia, Technology and Posthuman Bodies in Jeanette Winterson Fiction
Supervisors: Esther Peeren, Niall Martin
Another Disappearing Audience? Towards an Integrated Study of Standpoint Epistemologies and Intersectionality for Critical Media Literacy Education
Supervisors: Sudeep Dasgupta, Blandine Joret
Wilding Sustainability: Towards an Ecofeminist, Decolonial, Posthuman Concept of Care
Supervisors: Yolande Janssen, Jana Cattien
Through Southern Lenses: A Post-Colonial Exploration of Film Schooling in Africa and Latin America
Supervisors: Giovanna Fossati, Asli Özgen
Perspectives on the Digital Human’s Struggle for Authenticity
Supervisors: Beate Roessler, Marjolein Lanzing
Vernacular Disruptions: Reading Postcolonial Literature in Dutch
Supervisor | Yolande Jansen, Richard van Leeuwen
Audiovisual Archives in the Mekong Region: Digitization, Policies and Cultural expression of Southeast Asian Film Heritage
Supervisors | Giovanna Fossati and Floris Paalman
Writing with Matter: Geological Approaches to 21-st century Latin American Writing
Supervisors: Irene Villaescusa Illan, Elio Baldi, Esther Peeren
Eco-Islam Narratives and Discourse: Analyzing Green Islam Campaigns Across Social Media Platforms
Supervisors: Leonie Schmidt, Patricia Pisters
Reconceptualizing pornography: empirical and philosophical perspectives for liberation
Supervisors: Mari Mikkola, Selin Gerlek
Cinematic Ethics of Migration: Auto-Ethnographic Migrant Perspectives in Contemporary Documentary Film.
Supervisors: Patricia Pisters, Carolyn Birdsall
Practices and Principles of Journalistic Information Gathering and Verification in the Digital Age
Supervisor: Mark Deuze
The Future is in Our Mouths: Enthusiasm & The Essaying Subject
Supervisors: Stefan Niklas, Monique Roelofs
Mediating Justice: Politics, Media, Theatre and Law in the Golden Dawn Trial
Supervisors | Maria Boletsi, Yasco Horsman
Island Imbroglios. Aruban Issues and Publics on Facebook
Supervisor | Richard Rogers
Literary Tourism at the Peripheries: A Relational Analysis of the Hay Festival in Rural Wales and in the ‘Global South’
Supervisors: Esther Peeren, Niall Martin
(Trans)sexualities and Psychoanalysis
Supervisors: Marija Cetinic, Diego Semerene, Misha Kavka
The Politics of Depression. A critical analysis of the political-epistemological limits of major depressive disorder
Supervisors: Patricia Pisters, Julian Kiverstein
From Experimental Institutionalism to the Demodern Museum: Experimentation and Self-Reflection in Visual Art Institutions from 1989 to the present.
Supervisors | Mia Lerm-Hayes and Joost de Bloois
Things that matter: attuning to structural violence in post-dictatorial Buenos Aires
Supervisor: Sruti Bala, Boris Noordenbos
Wig Trade in Guangzhou: Entangled Beauty, Authenticity, and Identity
Supervisors: Tommy Tse, Jeroen de Kloet
« Barvalo ». Designing an Exhibition on and with Roma Communities in a French National Museum
Supervisors | Emilie Sitzia, Margriet Schavemaker, Huub van Baar
A Postmodern Vaudeville: Analysing the dramaturgical devices for distancing, commentary and reflection in the musicals of Bob Kander and Fred Ebb
Supervisors: Kati Röttger, Millie Taylor, Julia Kursell
Lady Credit’s New Clothes: The Constitution of European Financialised Subjectivities through FinTech Platforms
Supervisors: Thomas Poell, Niels van Doorn
Reception of the theatre of Heiner Müller in Latin America since 1989: artistic reinterpretations and political resonances
Supervisor: Kati Rottger
La soberanía del vacío: Abe, Blanchot, Elizondo
Supervisor: Shelley Godsland
Remix, Reimagine & Reanimate: The Archival Potentials of Videographic Criticism
Supervisors: Jaap Kooijman, Floris Paalman
Literary Geographies in the Sierra Nevada de Gonawindúa, Colombia
Supervisors: Irene Villaescusa Ilan, Rolando Vazquez Melken
Fare Musica Antica (Ebraica) reinventing a usable past
Supervisors | Julia Kursell, Irene Zwiep, Barbara Titus
Time and Colonialism: abstraction as the mode of temporality.
Supervisors: Esther Peeren, Achia Anzi
Masculinity Crises in 60s' Novels: A Blast From the Past?
Supervisors: Maria Boletsi, Ernst van Alphen
Radical Design Archives: alternative approaches to archiving and digitizing graphic design history in the ARAB region.
Supervisors: Annet Dekker, Chiara de Cesari
Festival curation in the forcefield of international prestige and national heritage
Supervisor | Kati Rottger
Future news work: mapping and understanding atypical journalism
Supervisors: Mark Deuze and Mirjam Prenger
Techno-futurism(s) in China:Infrastructure of Imaginaries and the Fabrication of Power
Supervisors: Misha Kavka, Christine Bichsel
China’s global cinema: state-driven film-related co-operations with BRI countries.
Supervisors: Jeroen de Kloet and Patricia Pisters
Worlding Communication: Novel Communication Barriers in Global Science Fiction and Speculative Literature
Supervisors: Esther Peeren, Emelia Quinn
Understanding Dutch Heritage from the Perspective of East Asian Immigrants.
Supervisors: Kati Röttger, David Duindam
Sanskritic Metres in Old and Modern Javanese: A Study of Their Musical and Literary Features
Supervisors | Julia Kursell, Barbara Titus
The Platformization of the Global Sex Industry: Markets, Morals, and Mass Intimacy
Supervisors | Thomas Poell and Olav Velthuis
The ‘lesbian continuum’ in Greek literature of the 20th and 21st centuries
Supervisors: Maria Boletsi and Elizabeth Arseniou
Greekness and Crisis: Decolonial perspectives and alternative futurities in the visual arts, film and performance during the Greek crisis
Supervisors: Maria Boletsi, Eva Fotiadi, Kristina Gegaudaite
Social Movements and the Discovery of Social Reality
Supervisors: Mari Mikkola, Daniel Loick
Postcolonial Carcerality: Thinking Abolitionist Strategies in North Africa
Supervisors: Daniel Loick, Jana Cattien
Belief and the Will
Supervisors | Christian Skirke
The Institution as Ideology: Re-imagining cultural practices in Palestine
Supervisors: Chiara de Cesari, Jeroen de Kloet
Representation of cultural identities in Netflix series: a transnational experience of television? The case of Criminal
Supervisors: Toni Pape, Misha Kavka
Provisional thesis title: Dirty Looks: feminine visuality in discursive normalization of sexual violence
Supervisors: Murat Aydemir, Noa Roei
Media Swarms - Sef-Mediation, Affect, and Emergent Forms of Political Assciation in the "Movements of the Squares
Supervisor | Richard Rogers
Cutting: A Feminine Discourse
Supervisors: Misha Kavka, Diego Semerene
Making the Invisible Visible in the GenAI Supply Chain: Ethics of Human Red-Teaming
Paula Helm, Tobias Blanke
The Making of Composers
Supervisor | Julia Kursell
“Actie, Bubbel en Windnegotie” (Action, Bubble and Wind Trade) – a World of Folly, Paper and Performance. Economies of Theatre in the Dutch Republic.
Supervisors: Kati Rottger, Jan Lazardzig
Artificial Amsterdam: Architectural Writing and the Urban (Re)imagination of Nature
Supervisors: Markus Stauff, Maryn Wilkinson
Dismantling the Nostalgia: Art Practices Dealing with Colonial Leftovers
Supervisors: Leonie Schmidt, Jeroen de Kloet
Unregulated Automated Journalism
Supervisors: Beate Roessler, Eva Groen-Reijman
Dwelling Spaces: A Study on the Aesthetics and Politics of Contemporary Artist-in-Residencies
Supervisors: Margriet Schavemaker, Sruti Bala
Do Earthly Beings Have Dignity? Human Rights Beyond the Nature/Culture Divide
Supervisors: Yolande Jansen and Huub Dijstelbloem
The Foundations of Criticism: The Case of October
Supervisors | Johan Hartle, Mia Lerm Hayes, Sven Lütticken
Reimagining Traditional Indigenous South African Musical Transcription and Notation For Applied Composition and Performance Practices
Supervisors: Walter van de Leur, Maya Verlaak
Political Stupidity: Why are we still not thinking politics?
Supervisors: Daniel Loick, and Yolande Jansen
Let’s Get the Dosage Right! The Pharmacology of Boredom and Technology in the Digital Age
Supervisors: Misha Kavka, Daniel de Zeeuw
Between Europe and North Africa: Contemporary Francophone Jewish writers rom the Maghreb
Supervisor | Ieme van der Poel
Data Bodies
Supervisors: Tobias Blanke, Thomas Poell
Towards an Alternative Database Management System: Structuring Film Archives as Social Networks
Supervisor | Robin Boast, Giovanna Fossati
Spatial Justice Imaginaries | Q(ueerinG)IS
Supervisors: Stefania Milan, Davide Beraldo
Becoming Post-Socialist: Life Writing and the Post-socialist Subject
Supervisors: Esther Peeren, Boris Noordenbos
Interrupting Broadcasts|Broadcasting Interruptions: a study of subjectivation in colonial soundscapes
Supervisors: meLê Yamomo, Carolyn Birdsall
Creating Beauty as an Act of Resistance: How a Feminist Global Graffiti Art Movement Shapes a Revolution through a Techno-Corporeal Aesthetic
Supervisors: Monique Roelofs, Sudha Rajagopalan
Analogue Visual Music: An Artistic Query into the relation of Self & Technology
Supervisors: Paula Albuquerque, Julia Kursell
Untangling Resolutions. Through the lens of the image
Supervisors: Geert Lovink, Florian Cremer
Anthropomorphic AI and Chatbots
Richard Rogers and Natalia Sanchez Querubin
Politics as Vehicle of Art: A Study of the Patronage Networks Linking the Italian Transavangardia Movement to the Italian Socialist Party
Supervisors: Mia Lerm-Hayes & Gregor Langfeld
Alternatives to the Corporate Sharing Economy
Supervisor | Niels van Doorn
Marking Memory on a Plate: Food Narratives from the Middle East
Supervisors: Esther Peeren and Noa Roei
Cavafy’s “lives”: Biographical constructions of C. P. Cavafy and the making of his literary persona(s)
Supervisors: Maria Boletsi, Takis Kayalis
at this moment stanley brouwn is at the distance of x feet from this pointe
Supervisors: Margriet Schavemaker, Sruti Bala
Black Star: Race, Representation, & the need for Intransigence against the Despotism of Anti-Blackness over Black Hollywood Cinema
Supervisors: Pei-Sze Chow, Patricia Pisters
From the Streets to the Screens: Following Activists in Contemporary Beirut
Supervisors: Thomas Poell, Eliza Steinbock
Black Disruption, White Reinforcement
Supervisors: Yolande Jansen, Michiel Leezenberg
Infinite Regression in Autobiographic Cinema
Supervisors: Patricia Pisters, Laurent van Lancker
My Life in the Bush of Ghosts: Artistic Use of Obsolete Audiovisual Media to Excavate Postcolonial First-Person Narratives
Supervisors: Asli Özgen-Havekotte, Giovanna Fossati
Art Materializing Time and (Dis)Entangling Nature-Cultures: Shifting Ecological Perceptions of the Present Past and Possible Futures.
Supervisors: Mia Lerm-Hayes & Jeff Diamanti
Natively Digital Datasets of Memory
Supervisor | Richard Rogers
Re-politicizing Psychedelics: Phenomenologies of Resonance Towards Acid Communist Futures
Supervisors: Joost de Bloois, Patricia Pisters
Refusing the Macabre Dance
Supervisor | Ben Moore, Barnita Bagchi
Exploring the Rhythms of Techno: A Discussion of Music, Culture, and Everyday Life
Supervisors: Oliver Seibt and Julia Kursell
Surviving in Abeyance: Hong Kong and the Politics of Culture
Supervisors: Jeroen de Kloet, Leonie Schmidt
Journalism as Artistic Practice
Supervisors | Mark Deuze, Jan van der Stoep
Nick Psomas
Towards a Dialectical Imagination for the Nomos of the Planet: A Juridico-Aesthetic Construction of the Coming Community in the Planetary Epoch
Supervisors: Stefan Niklas, Yolande Jansen
Sublime Imperfections: Post-Soviet Trash Aestetics
Supervisors: Joost de Bloois, Ellen Rutten
The Reflective Journalist
Supervisor | Mark Deuze
Meme Culture and the crisis of meaning in Indian public discourse
Supervisors | Thomas Poell, Marc Tuters
From Social Memory to Social Reproduction: The Expanded Cinema of Bernadette Mayer
Supervisors: Mia Lerm-Hayes, Paula Albuquerque, Marija Cetinic
An acoustemology of the unheard. The technology, the narrative, and the art of listening beyond aurality
Supervisors: Geert Lovink, Cecile Malaspina
The Museum as a Lab: Environmental Exhibitions in Israel 1967-1994
Supervisors: Margriet Shavemaker, Noa Roei
AI in het ontwerponderwijs: een kritische oriëntatie (AI in Design Education: A Critical Investigation)
Supervisor: Geert Lovink, Sebastian Olma
“Earthy-Taste Culture”: Laughter, Comedy and Chinese Rural Imaginations
Supervisors: Esther Peeren, Jeroen de Kloet
Imaginaries of Artificial Intelligence - Mapping (Social Media) Platforms’ Role in Shaping (Public) Tech Imaginaries
Supervisors: Thomas Poell, Christian Katzenbach
Science fiction as an aesthetic-speculative medium of the planetary perspective
Supervisors: Stefan Niklas, Barnita Bagchi
Klangspuren aus dem Pazifik. Klangepistemologien im Berliner Phonogramm-Archiv.
Supervisors | Barbara Titus, Julia Kursell, Birgit Abels
A Stakeholder Analysis of the Audio-Visual Sector in Trinidad & Tobago: Implications for Policy-making
Supervisors: Emiel Martens and Patricia Pisters
Improvising Free Spirits: The Aesthetics of Unpredictability in the Thought of Arendt and Nietzsche
Supervisors: Walter van de Leur, Thomas Nys
Public Opinion in the Age of the Digital Public Sphere. A public philosophical approach to the expression and forming of opinions
Supervisors: Yolande Jansen and Robin Celikates
Littorals as ecocritical sound milieus: ecomusicological field recording-based artistic research in transitional space
Supervisors: Julia Kursell, Jeff Diamanti
Fashion as Moving Image: Dancing Figures, Swirling Fabrics
Supervisor: Marie-Aude Baronian
Dancing and Displacement: Embodied reverberations of gentrification in Amsterdam
Supervisors: Oliver Seibt, Julia Kursell
The sound of Egyptian counterculture: rewriting notions of class, identity and culture through Mahraganat
Supervisors: Jaap Kooijman, Maaike Voorhoeve
Celebrating the Chinese Rural? A Postfeminist Analysis of Female Rural-based Online Celebrities in China
Supervisors: Esther Peeren, Tommy Tse
Algorithmic Imaginaries in Contemporary China
Supervisors: Joost de Bloois, Thomas Poell
Moral Truth: Exploring the Concept of Practical Cognition in Kant’s Ethics
Supervisors: Beate Roessler, Thomas Nys
Gazing Ahead: China’s Imagined Futures in Digital Art.
Supervisor | Jeroen de Kloet
Gendering Digital Cultural Production in Chinese Platform Economy
Supervisors: Jeroen de Kloet, Tommy Tse
Seeing with, by, and of AI: Mapping the Regimes of Algorithmic Vision
Supervisors: Richard Rogers, Natalia Sánchez-Querubín
Public Space Mime: Zero and the Politics of Daily Movements
Supervisors: Monique Roelofs, Annemie Halsema
The Platformization of the Global Sex Industry
Supervisors | Thomas Poell, Olav Velthuis
Socially Engaged Art and State Transformation in Hungary
Supervisors: Chiara de Cesari and Mia Lerm-Hayes
Palpitating Subjects: South America, Desire, and Spectatorship
Supervisors: Abe Geil and Patricia Pisters
Towards Abolitionist Ecologies: Abolishing Eco-Carcerality
Supervisor: Daniel Loick
Oceanic Imaginaries, Oceanic Solidarities
Supervisors: Mikki Stelder, Laura Cull
Imagining the Rural in Contemporary British Culture
Supervisors | Esther Peeren, Hanneke Stuit
Murmuring Springs (El Murmurar de las Fuentes).
Supervisors | Shelley Godsland
Everyday Acts of Institutional Resistance to Civic Empowerment: an Analysis of the Relations Between Data Activists, the State, and Public Sector Information & Open Data
Supervisors: Stefania Milan & Richard Rogers
Ki Ageng Qithmir: Traditional Islamic Cosmology and the Making of Its Cosmological Music
Supervisors: Barbara Titus
Rethinking the Global Second-hand Clothes Trade and Consumption from Africa - Unravelling the Ghanian and Rwandan experiences with the growing visibility of “China”
Supervisors: Tommy Tse, Jeroen de Kloet
Ethics of Intimacy: Reconfiguring Relational Knowledge Practices through Errant Movements in Transnational Art and Literature
Supervisor: Monique Roelofs
Homelessness at Home in Contemporary Cinema of Turkey after 2013
Supervisors | Esther Peeren, Maryn Wilkinson
Distant Listening: Fictionality in the True Crime Podcast
Suprvisors: Gaston Franssen, Thomas Smits
Obsessed with “the West”: Xeniteia and Imperialisms in Contemporary East Asian Literature, Films and Television
Supervisors: Ansgar Mohnkern, Esther Peeren
Men who play with men: A Study on Contemporary Chinese Masculinity in the Age of Rising Cyber Nationalism
Supervisors | Jeroen de Kloet, Rachel Spronk
Reconceptualising AI agents: Reconfiguring power dynamics in global AI platform ecosystems between the US and China
Supervisors: Thomas Poell, Fernando van der Vlist
Passport Stories: Passport Regimes and (Narratological) Forms of Worldmaking in the Global South and Beyond
Supervisors | Yolande Jansen, Hanneke Stuit
A Duty to Desire? On the Politics of Sexual Desire
Supervisors: Daniel Loick, Jana Cattien
Being wenyi qingnian: A study of youth and creativity in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and mainland China
Supervisors: Jeroen de Kloet, Leonie Schmidt
The Representation of the Refugee Crisis on the British and Greek Media. Did the mainstream media raise discourses of ethical responsibility towards the refugees?
Supervisor: Maria Boletsi, Tatiana Makakis
Hope You "Tube" Well: Imagine E-emotional Regulation Via Educational Videos on Therapy
Supervisors: Aylin Kuryel, Karina van Dalen-Oskam, Christine Parsons (Aarhus University)
Radical Disobedience: An Agonistic Praxis Against Anti-Pluralism
Supervisors: Yolande Jansen, Erdoğan Yıldırım
Entangled Landscape: Seeing Through Ruins in Chinese and European Art and Visual Culture
Supervisors | Ernst van Alphen and Jeroen de Kloet
New Archival Site between Film and Installation: Experimental Documentary, Archive Medium and Museums
Supervisors | Giovanna Fossati, Annet Dekker
Silence after Catastrophe: Disaster Survivor Witnessing in Contemporary Japan
Supervisors: Gaston Franssen, Ernst van Alphen
Critical Assessment of Technologies for Remote Examination in Higher Education
Supervisors: Geert Lovink, Christian Detweiler
From the ‘cut’ to the ‘Imaginary’: How the Cinema of Abbas Kiarostami Encourages the Audience to Imagine
Supervisors: Josef Früchtl, Abe Geil
Apps for Learning: A software study analysis of mobile applications for language development in children
Supervisor: Stefania Milan
Entangled Freedoms. Modern Art and Freedom from the Global South (Pakistan, 1940s-80s)
Supervisors: Sanjukta Sunderason, Monique Roelofs
Searching for Accessibility and Inclusivity: An Archaeology of Film Cataloging Infrastructures from Cards to Databases
Supervisors: Julia Noordegraaf, Christian Olesen
Fluid Heterotopias: Gendered Bodies and Spaces in Modern British and Chinese Women’s Writing
Supervisors: Ben Moore, Monique Roelofs
Cosmic Meridian: An aesthetics of qi in contemporary Chinese cinema
Supervisors: Patricia Pisters, Jeroen de Kloet
Imagining the Rural in Contemporary China from a Perspective of Cultural Biographies of Everyday Objects.
Supervisors: Esther Peeren, Jeroen de Kloet
Modern Self And Modern Horror: Post-Impressionist Aesthetics in Virginia Woolf and Eileen Chang
Supervisors: Emilie Sitzia, Nicholas Carr, Rachel Esner