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Abdelbasset Dahraoui
Amazigh Culture and Media: Migration and Identity in Songs, Films and Websites
Supervisor: Patricia Pisters. 30 April 2014

Achia Anzi
Image and Displacement: Migratory Aesthetics in Contemporary Indian and Israeli Art
Supervisors: Noa Roei, Esther Peeren and Ernst van Alphen: September 2022

Ad van Nieuwpoort
TENACH opnieuw. Over het Messiaanse tegoed van het evangelie naar Lukas.
Supervisor: Karel Deurloo. June 8, 2006.

Adam Chambers

The Moving Canvas: Images Between Photography, Film, and Painting

Supervisors | Murat Aydemir, Patricia Pisters, March, 2024

Adriaan Gerrit Soeting
Auditieve aspecten van het boek Openbaring van Johannes
Supervisor: Jan Willem van Henten, 11 September 2001

Alejandra Espinosa
Planning, Puic Space, and Identity in Latino America
Supervisor | Christoph Lindner, Esther Peeren, 28 June 2018

Aleksandra Markovic
Sounding Stereotypes. Construction of Place and Reproduction of Metaphors in the Music of Goran Bregović.
Supervisors Rokus de Groot, Wim van der Meer, 9 December 2013

Alexander Jackob
Theater und Bilderfahrung in den Augen der Zuschauer
Promotor: Josef Früchtl, 13 December 2012

Alexander Thinius
What Does it Mean to be of a Particular Gender? Critical Essentialism in Philosophy of Gender.
Supervisors: Beate Rössler, Robin Celikates, July 2021

Alice Breemen
Between Thinking and Doing: Performance Philosophy as perspective for analysing audience’s changing role in artistic events and democracy
Supervisor: Kati Röttger, 4 March, 2025

Alvaro Lopez
Sexuality and violence across the Global North/Global South divide
Supervisor: Ben Moore and Patricia Pisters, 4 November 2024

Allyson Kreuiter
The Elegant Velvet Glove: A Textual and Visual reading of the Gothicised Female Form in Lawrence Durrell’s The Alexandria Quartet.
Supervisor: Mieke Bal, 23 April 2014

Amir Vodka
The Human Chameleon. Hybrid Jews in Cinema.
Supervisor: Patricia Pisters, 5 July 2016

Andrea Meuzelaar
Seeing through the Archival Prism. A History of the Representation of Muslims on Dutch Television.
Supervisors: Frank van Vree & Patricia Pisters, 17 October 2014

Andrei Romakhin
The Mutual Relation Between the Verbal and the Visual on the Book Covers of Mayakovsky: the Hidden Meaning of the Avant-Garde Text
Supervisor: Willem Weststeijn, 21 March 2014

Andrés Ibarra Cordero
Queer Chronotopes in Contemporary Fiction 
Supervisors: Murray Pratt, October 2022

Andrew James Roberts
Republicanism, Privacy and the Criminal Process
Supervisor | Beate Roessler, 2 December 2019

Anette Hoffmann
‘Since the Germans came it rains less’ Landscape and Identity of Herero Communities in Namibia
Supervisor: Mieke Bal, 15 December, 2005

Anik Fournier
The Urban Veil: Image Politics in Media Culture and Contemporary Art.
Supervisor: Patricia Pisters, 18 April 2012

Anke Bosma
Imagining the Rural in Contemporary Dutch Culture
Supervisors | Esther Peeren, Hanneke Stuit, 13 December 2023

Anke van Haastrecht
Rebelión contra el poder: el discurso filmico de Maria Luisa Bemberg.
Supervisor: Mieke Bal, 29 June 2016

Anna van BlijdensteinIslam and Judaism, Muslims and Jews in Contemporary "Dutch Enlightenment", in Light of Their Genealogies in Modern Political Philosophy
Supervisor | Yolande Jansen, October 2021

Anna Seidl
Unterwegs zu W.G. Sebald : Eine Raumpoesie
Supervisor: C. Moser, 5 December 2012

Anne Helmond
The web as platform: Data flows in social media
Supervisor: Richard Rogers, 23 September 2015

Anne Claire Mulder
Divine Flesh, Embodied Word. Incarnation as a hermeneutical key to a feminist theologian's reading of Luce Irigaray's work
Supervisor: Theo Witvliet

Anne Marie Schleiner
Ludic Mutation: The Player’s Power to Change the Game
Supervisor: Mireille Rosello, 5 December 2012

Anneke van Luxemburg
Bordewijk. De eertse succesvolle Nederlandse roman
Supervisor: Mieke Bal, 14 March 2002

Annelies Kleinherenbrink
The Politics of Plasticity. Sex and Gender in the 21st Century Brain.
Supervisor: Patricia Pisters, 21 October 2016

Ariane Noël de Tilly
Scripting Artworks: Studying the Socialization of Editioned Video and Film Installations
Supervisors: José van Dijck & Julia Noordegraaf, 6 December 2011

Arjen Nauta
Governing through Reality TV in China: The case of Hunan TV
Supervisors: Jeroen de Kloet, José van Dijck, March 2020

Argyrios Emmanouloudis
From the Vastness of the Web to Mainstream Production and Vice-Versa: Fan Idenities, User-Generated Content and Produser Communities
Supervisors | Carrol Clakson, Joyce Goggin, September 2022

Arnoud Arps
Remembering Violence: Cultural memory, popular culture and the Indonesian War of Independence
Supervisers: Jeroen de Kloet, Leonie Schmidt, March 2023

Asja Szafraniec
Beckett, Derrida and the Event of Literature. Philosophical Perspectives on the Literary
Supervisor: Hent de Vries, 11 October 2004 Cum Laude

Asli Ozgen Tuncer
The Architecture of Becoming
Supervisor: Patricia Pisters , 23 January 2018

Astrid van Weyenberg
The Politics of Adaptation: Contemporary African Drama and Greek Tragedy
Supervisors: Murat Aydemir & Mieke Bal 29 April 2011

Aziza Ouguir
Female Religious Agents In Morocco: Old Practices and New Perspectives
Supervisor Ruud Peters, F. Sadiqi , Karen Vintges, 29 November 2013

Aylin Kuryel
Image Acts and Visual Communities: Contemporary Nationalism in Turkey
Supervisors: Mieke Bal & Esther Peeren, 15 January 2015


Babs Boter
Fabrication of Selves: Girls of Color Coming of Age 
Supervisor: Mieke Bal, December 20, 2005

Barbara Bleij
The Theory of Tonal Jazz Harmony: Towards an Integrated Approach
Supervisor: Walter van de Leur , February 2025

Bas Jansen
Where credit is due: Cultural practices of recorded music
Supervisors: José van Dijck & Karin Bijsterveld, 16 February 2011

Becky Kazansky
Constructing threats and Modelling Security in a Data Risk Society
Supervisor | Stefania Milan & Marieke de Goede, December 2021

Begum Firat
Disorienting Encounters: Re-reading Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Ottoman Miniature Paintings
Supervisor: Mieke Bal, 2008 Cum laude

Bernardo Caycedo
Online Anonymous Disobedience and the Politics of Appearance
Supervisors: Robin Celikates, Beate Roessler. 17 September 2019

Bianca Michaelis
Musik-Fernsehen-Video: Amerikanische Oper im Medienzeitalter.
Supervisor: Christopher Balme. February 17, 2006.

Bilal Amjarso
Mentioning and then refuting an anticipated counterargument. A conceptual and empirical study of the persuasiveness of a mode of strategic manoeuvring
Supervisor: Frans van Eemeren, December 16 2010

Birkan Tas
Reclaiming Hope: Affect, Temporality, Politics.
Supervisors: Murat Aydemir and Mireille Rosello. 9 November 2016

Blandine Joret
Today, Icarus: On the Persistence of André Bazin’s Myth of Total Cinema
Supervisors: Patricia Pisters & Marie Lous Baronian, 3 July 2015 Cum laude

Boris Čicovacki
Transformations of West Balkan Folk Music and Serbian Octoëchos (Byzantine Church Music) in the Oeuvre of Ljubica Marić.  Agnietenkapel.
Supervisor: Rokus de Groot , 14 December 2017

Brenda Lafleur
Imaging Settlement and Displacement: At Home in KA-NA-TA.
Supervisor: Mieke Bal, 24 January 2013 Cum Laude

Brett Biermann
Travelling philosophy: From literature to film.
Supervisor: Mieke Bal. June 20, 2006.


Camiel van Winkel
During the Exhibition the Gallery Will Be Closed: Contemporary Art and the Paradoxes of Conceptualism
Supervisors: Deborah Cherry & Jeroen Boomgaard, 17 February 2012

Carolyn Birdsall
Between Noise and Silence. Sound, Technology and Urban Space during Nazi Germany
Supervisor: Mieke Bal and Esther Peeren, 2 March 2010

Catherine Lord
The Intimacy of Influence
Supervisor: Mieke Bal, 1999

Cees Koster
From World to World. An Armamentarium fr the Study of Poetic Discourse in Translation
Supervisor: Peter Verdonk, 7 September 2000

Charlotte Greve
Word-Image Relations in the Early Russian Avant-Garde
Supervisor: Willem Weststeijn, 12 May 2004

Charlotte Pannier
Kunstgeschiedenis in het secundair onderwijs: een oncomfortabele contactzone.
Supervisors: Mieke Bal & Esther Peeren, 6 March 2015

Charlotte Vignau
Modernity, complex societies and the alphorn
Supervisor: Rokus de Groot, 2008

Chris Doude van Troostwijk
Trouvaille, anamnèse de la critique.
Supervisor: Hent de Vries  (10 January 2003

Cock Dieleman
Het nieuwe theaterleren. Een veldonderzoek naar de rol van theater binnen Culturele en Kunstzinnige Vorming op havo en vwo
Supervisor: Kati Röttger, 4 February 2010

Constanza Ihnen Jory
Pragmatic Argumentation in Lawmaking Debates Instruments for the analysis and evaluation of pragmatic argumentation at the Second Reading of the British Parliament
Supervisors: Frans van Eemeren & Jose Plug, 28 September 2012

Corina Andone
Maneuvering Strategically in a Political Interview. Analyzing and evaluating responses to an accusation of inconsistency
Supervisor: Frans van Eemeren, 16 December 2010

Cornelia Graebner
Off the Page and Off the Stage: The Performance of Poetry and Its Public Function
Supervisor: Mieke Bal, 20 June 2007

Corstin Dieterich
Agency at its best. Individual and collective responsibility and autonomy.
Supervisor: Beate Roessler, 13 May 2016

Cristian Crusat
La construcción de la biografía imaginaria. Marcel Schwob y la tradición hispanoamericana: Alfonso Reyes, Jorge Luis Borges, Adolfo Bioy Casares, J. R. Wilcock y Roberto Bolaño.
Supervisors: Ieme van der Poel & Pablo Valdivia, 25 June 2014


Dan Leberg
The Moving Parts: Screen Acting and Empathic Sollicitation
Supervisors: Patricia Pisters, Catherine Lord, 8 November 2018

Daniel de Zeeuw
Anonyous in Public
Supervisor | Robin Celikates & Esther Peeren, 18 December 2019

Daniela Schulz
La Fura Dels Baus – Leib-Fragmente des Bildhaften im 21. Jahrhundert.
Supervisor Kati Röttger, 12 March 2013

Daphne Idiz 
Netflix and European Media Production
Supervisors: Thomas Poell, Julia Noordegraaf, January 2025

David Gauthier
"Errors": Exposing theTechno-Scientific Overcoding of Subjects
Supervisor | Robin Boast, January 2021

David Nieborg
Triple‐A: The political economy of the blockbuster video game
Supervisor: José van Dijck. 22 June 2011

Dennis Ioffe
Life-creation in Russian Symbolism and Avant-Garde
Supervisor: Willem Weststeijn, 24 June 2009

Désirée Schyns
Une écharge dans la gorge. L’’evolution de la mémoire littéraire de la guerre d’Algérie (1954-1962) dans la fiction algérienne francophone (1958-2003)
Supervisor: Ieme van der Poel, 12 October 2007

Dima Mohammed
‘The honourable Gentleman should make up his mind’: Strategic Manoeuvring with Accusations of Inconsistency in Prime Minister's Question Time Supervisors: Frans van Eemeren & E.C.W. Krabbe, 7 December 2009

Divya Nadkarni
Sociopoetics and ‘forms’ of political engagementSupervisors: Ellen Rutten & Josef Fruchtl, November 2022

Dorota Mokrosinska
Political Obligation
Supervisor: Govert den Hartogh, 12 September 2007

Drehli Robnik
Kino, Krieg, Gedächtnis. Affekt-Ästhetik, Nachträglichkeit und Geschichtspolitik im deutschen und amerikanischen Gegenwartskino
Supervisor: Thomas Elsaesser, 11 September 2007


Edi Terlaak
Branding and Liberal
Supervisor: Veit Bader, 18 May 2011

Elan Gamaker
The Genre Mask. Rhetorical Style and Audience Activation in the Investigation Film.
Supervisors: Mieke Bal and Peter Verstraten, 20 November 2015

Eldad Kedem
The Kibbutz and Israeli Cinema: Deterritorializing Representation and Ideology
Supervisor: Thomas Elsaesser, 11 September 2007

Eleftheria Thanouli
Post-classical narration: a new paradigm in contemporary World Cinema
Supervisor: Thomas Elsaesser, 21 June, 2005

Eliza Steinbock
“Shimmering Images: On Transgender Embodiment and Cinematic Aesthetics”
Supervisors: Maaike Bleeker and Murat Aydemir, 17 June 2011

Ella van Dommelen
Constitutionele rechtspraak vanuit rechtsfilosofisch perspectief
Supervisor: Veit Bader, 13 March 2003

Ellen Kleijnen
Route to Reading. Promoting Reading through a School Library: Effects for non-Western Migrant Students.
Supervisors: Frank Huysmans, Ed Elbers, and Rudy Ligtvoet. 15 December 2016

Ellen Tops
Authoritative Photographs: A Semiotic Perspective of Images of the Priesthood in the Netherlands, 1930-1990
Supervisor: Mieke Bal, 26 April 2001

Els Strategier
De taal der hartstochten. De visie van drie achttiende-eeuwse Nederlandse schrijvers op muziek en haar relatie met de dichtkunst
Supervisor: John Neubauer, 20 April 2001

Els Weijers
Nietzsche als verteller. Hoe het lichaam wordt wat het is
Supervisor: John Neubauer 16 June 2000

Elwira Skapska
Witold Gombrowicz face à l’Autre, le moi, la transcendence; De ander, het ik en de transcendentie bij Witold Gombrowicz
Supervisor: Mieke Bal 2008

Emiel Martens
Welcome to Paradise Island. The Rise of Jamaica’s Cine-Tourist Image, 1891-1951.
Supervisor: Patricia Pisters,13 September 2013

Emma England
The dove, the rainbow, and the unicorn”: 170 years of the flood story retold for children in words and pictures
Supervisors: Jan Willem van Henten, Athalya Brenner, 14 May 2013

Emmanuelle Radar
Putain de Colonie!
Supervisor: Ieme van der Poel, 2008 Cum laude

Enis Dinç
Performing Modernity: Atatürk on Film (1919-1938)
Supervisors: Frank van Vree, M. Şükrü Hanioğlu and Esther Peeren, 13 December 2016

Erdem Çolak
Creating New Europe via Contemporary Art in Post-Wall Era: Examining Manifesta - European Biennial of Contemporary Art in the Context of Intermingled Relationships between Art, Society and Politics
Supervisors: Mia Lerm-Hayes,  Johan Hartle, July 2021

Eric Tjong Tjin Tai
Zorgplichten en Zorgethiek
Supervisor: Govert den Hartogh, 14 March 2007

Erik Borra
Rethinking the Web as a Source of Data
Supervisor | Richard Rogers, April 2023

Erik Laeven
Tijd als operadramaturg. Een semiotisch-temporeel onderzoek naar het esceneringspotentieel in operapartituren.
Supervisors: Rokus de Groot & Jan Simons. June 14, 2006.

Erin La Cour
The “Graphic Novel”: Discourse on the Archive.
Supervisors: Mireille Rosello, Joost de Bloois, 11 June 2013

Erinc Salor
Sum of All Knowledge: Wikipedia and the Encyclopedic Urge
Supervisor: Joyce Goggin, 4 October 2012

Esther Hammelburg
Liveness coming to life. The mediatised experience of cultural events
Supervisors: Thomas Poell, Jeroen de Kloet, José van Dijck, December 2021

Esther Peeren
Bakhtin and Beyond. Identities as Intersubjectiveties in Popular Culture
Supervisor: Mieke Bal, 20 December 2005

Esther Weltevrede
Repurposing Digital Methods. The Research Affordances of Platforms and Engines.
Supervisor: Richard Rogers, 28 January 2016

Esra Almas
Capitalizing Istanbul: Reading Orhan Pamuk’s Literary Cityscape
Supervisor: Mireille Rosello, 22 September 2011

Eva Groen
Deliberative Political Campaigns: Democracy, Autonomy and Persuasion
Supervisors: Beate Roessler, Robin Celikates. 2 February 2018 Cum Laude

Eva Meijer
Political Animal Voices.
Supervisors: Yolande Jansen and Robin Celikates. Aula, 20 September 2017. Cum Laude

Eva Sancho Rodriguez 
Understanding New Political Attitudes of Romanticism and Cosmopolitanism
Supervisor | Josef Früchtl & Patricia Pisters & Robin Celikates, 4 December 2023

Ewald Engelen
Economisch Burgerschap
Supervisor: Veit Bader, 3 March 2000 Cum Laude


Fabiola Camuti
The Trained Experience: A study on the Relationship between Meditation Practices and the Actor’s System of Knowledge.
Supervisors: Kati Röttger and Roberto Ciancarelli, 14 December 2016

Fan Yang
Chinese women’s cinema in mainland China in the 21st century
Supervisor | Misha Kavka, January 2022

Fernando Suarez Muller
Skepsis und Geschichte
Supervisor: John Neubauer, 19 May 2003

Flora Lysen
Brainmedia: One Hundred Years of Performing Live Brains1920–2020  Supervisor | Patricia Pisters, Rob Zwijnenberg

Florian Göttke
Burning Images. Performing Effigies as Political Protest
Supervisor | Frank van Vree & Mia Lerm-Hayes

Floris Paalman
Cinematic Rotterdam. The times and tides of a modern city
Supervisor: Thomas Elsaesser, 22 June 2010 Cum Laude

Françoise Lucas
Livre d'images. La vision acte dans la littérature de la modernité en France
Supervisor: Mieke Bal and Ernst van Alphen, 4 June 1998

Frans Willem Korsten
The Wisdom Brokers: Narrative's Interaction with Arguments in Cultural Critical Texts
Supervisors: Mieke Bal and Frans van Eemeren, 20 February 1998


Gemma Newlands
Finding Human Dignity in the Digital Economy: Digital Reification, Mediation, and Algorithmic Management in the Platform-Mediated Work
Supervisors | Mark Deuze, Christian Fieseler (BI Norwegian Business School), June 2023

Gerald McMaster
The New Tribe: Critical Perspectives and Practices in Aboriginal Contemporary Art
Supervisor: Mieke Bal, 1999

Gerrit Schaafsma
Contestation in the Anthropocene: Globalised Disobedience and Climate Justice
Supervisors | Robin Celikates and Beate Roessler, January 2024

Gerwin van der Pol
De auteur zij met ons. Cognitief psychologische studie naar de ervaring van de toeschouwer bij het waarnemen van een auteursfilm
Supervisor: Patricia Pisters, 19 March 2009

Gladys Chong
China Rejuvenated?: Governmentality, Subjectivity, and Normativity. The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.
Supervisors: Stefan Landsberger & Jeroen de Kloet, 7 September 2012

Götz Dapp
Intermediality and Politics in Theatre and Performance
Supervisors Kati Röttger , Christopher Balme, 4 December 2013

Gözde Onaran
Escaping Entrapment: Gothic Heroines in Contemporary Film.
Supervisors: Patricia Pisters and Melis Behlil. Agnietenkapel, 19 January 2017

Guido Snel
Fictionalized Autobiography and the Idea of Central Europe.
Supervisors: John Neubauer & Willem Weststeijn 10 June 2003

Gunnar Weimann
Islamic Criminal Law in Northern Nigeria Politics, Religion, Judicial Practice
Supervisor: Ruud Peters. 15 December 2010

Guohua Zeng
The Making of China - The Construction of Chineseness during the Beijing Olympics.
Supervisors: Jeroen de Kloet, José van Dijck, 21 May 2013


Halbe Kuipers
The Exhausted Self
Supervisors: Patricia Pisters, E. Manning, June 2022

Hanna Hölling
Re:Paik: On Time, Changeability and Identity in the Conservation of Nam June Paik’s Multimedia Installations.
Supervisors: Deborah Cherry, Glenn Wharton (NYU). 20 September 2013

Hannah Bosma
The Electronic Cry. Voice and Gender in Electroacoustic Music
Supervisors Rokus de Groot & Remko Scha, 11 December 2013

Hanneke Stuit
Ubuntu Strategies in Contemporary South African Culture
Supervisors Ena Jansen, Esther Peeren, 1 February 2013

Hao Wang
Social Network Sites and Privacy.
Supervisors: Beate Roessler, Robin Celikates, December 2022

Harm Kloosterhuis
Van overeenkomstige toepassing. De pragma-dialectische reconstructie van analogie-argumentatie in rechtelijke uitspraken
Supervisors: Frans van Eemeren and T. van Haaften 25 April 2002

Helen Leneman
The Scroll of Ruth Re-Told Through Librettos and Music: Biblical Interpretation in a New Key
Supervisors: Athalya Brenner and Rokus de Groot, 30 November 2004

Henrike Jansen
Van omgekeerde strekking. Een pragma-dialectische reconstructie van a contrario-argumentatie in het recht.
Supervisor: Frans van Eemeren & Eveline Feteris, 18 September 2003

Hugh McDonnel
Europeanising Spaces in Paris, ca. 1947-1962
Supervisors:  Mireille Rosello Michael Wintle, Sudeep Dasgupta, 12 March 2014

Huib Schippers
Towards a model for Music Transmission and Learning in Multicultural Societies 
Supervisors: Rokus de Groot & P.S. Campbell, 1 July 2004

Huub van Baar
The European Roma: Minority Representation, Memory, and the Limits of Transnational Governmentality
Supervisors: Ginette Verstraete, John Neubauer, 23 November 2011

Huub Dijstelbloem
De democratie anders. Politieke vernieuwing volgens Dewey en Latour
Supervsior: Gerard de Vries, 20 April 2007


Ihab Saloul
Telling Memories – Al-Nakba in Palestinian Exilic Narratives
Supervisor: Mieke Bal, 5 March 2009

Ilse van Rijn
The Artists’ Text as Work of Art.
Supervisors: Thomas Vaessens and Jeroen Boomgaard, Agnietenkapel, 29 June 2017

Ineke Mok
In de ban van het ras. Aarderijkskunde tussen samenleving en wetenschap 1876-1999
Supervisor: John Neubauer, 1999

Ingo Jonas
Theatrale Rezeptionsprozesse am Beispiel Ifflandscher Stücke
Supervisor: Kati Röttger, 1 November 2011

Ira Solomatina
Impacts of globalisation upon women’s fashion in contemporary urban India, on the  example of Mumbai
Supervisors | Christine Delhaye, Rene Boomkens, 27 March 2025

Irene Villaescusa Illán
Writing the Nation: Transculturation and Nationalism in Hispano-Filipino Literature of the Early Twentieth Century.
Supervisors: Jeroen de Kloet and Esther Peeren. 9 November 2017

Irina Souch
Tales of Russianness: Post-Soviet Identity Formation in Popular Film and Television
Supervisors: Mieke Bal & Esther Peeren 3 June 2015

Itay Sapir
Ténèbres sans Leçons Esthétique et épistémologie de la peinture ténébriste romain 1595-1610
Supervisor: Mieke Bal, 2008 Cum laude


J.P. de Haan
The Possibilities of Moral Dilemmas
Supervisor: Govert den Hartogh, 29 June 2000

Jacco Verburgt
De radicaliteit van het kwaad, Karl Barths gesprek met Immanuel Kant en Martin Heidegger.
Supervisor: Theo Witvliet. February 2, 2006.

Jacintaa Cremades Gómez-Pablos
La España contemporánea en la vida, la obra y la amistad de Jean Cassou.
Supervisor: Germán Gullón 15 December 2003

Jaël Kraut
From Silence to Muteness. Music and Philosophy in the 20th Century
Supervisors:  Rokus de Groot, Hent de Vries, 24 September 2010

Jakko Kemper
Dutch Design, Glitches, Misfits: Why Western Europeans Crave the Imperfect.
Supervisor: Ellen Rutten, Marie-Aude Baronian, September 2021

Jan Overwijk
Post-rationalization: Openness in Contemporary Social Organization
Supervisors | René Boomkens, Robin Celikates, November 2021

Jan IJzerman
History and State of the Art of Music in Chibale, Zambia in the 1980’s
Supervisor: Rokus de Groot & Wim van der Meer, 21 November 2007

Janice McNab
Making and Unmaking a Monster
Supervisor | Miriam van Rijsingen, 13 December 2019

Jannah Loontjens
Popular Modernism: Representation of Modernist Literature in Popular Culture.
Supervisors: Mieke Bal and Murat Aydermir, 16 May 2012

Janne Maaike Gerlofs
The use of conditionals in argumentation A proposal for the analysis and evaluation of argumentatively used conditionals
Supervisors: Frans van Eemeren & E.C.W. Krabbe, 16 June 2009

Janneke Lam
Towards Pain: Childhood, Trauma, and Discursive Silence
Supervisor: Mieke Bal, 26 November 2002 Cum Laude

Jenny Fraai
Rebelias camufladas
Supervisor: Mieke Bal, 14 March 2002

Jenny Slatman
L'expression au-delà de la représentation. Sur l'aisthêsis et l'esthétique chez Merleau-Ponty
Supervisor: Hent de Vries

Jay Hetrick
Cine-aesthetics: A Critique of Judgment after Deleuze and Michaux
Supervisors: Patricia Pisters & Josef Früchtl, 5 July 2012

Jean Wagemans
Redelijkheid en overredingskracht van argumentatie. Een historisch-filosofische studie over de combinatie van het diaclectische en het retorische oerspectief op argumentatie in de pragma-diaclectische argumentatietheorie
Supervisors: Frans van Eemeren & E.C.W. Krabbe, 30 September 2009

Jeffrey Manoel Pijpers
Sonic Resistance. Diaspora, Marginality and Censorship in Cuban and Brazilian Popular Music.
Supervisors: Mieke Bal, Esther Peeren and Cornelia Graebner (Lancaster University), 6 July 2016

Jelena Novak
Singing Corporeality: reinventing the Vocalic Body in Postopera
Supervisor: Rokus de Groot, 29 November 2012

Jelle de Boer
The “we” perspective, an explanation of collectie action.
Supervisor: Govert den Hartogh. March 14, 2006.

Jenifer Chao
Sensible Interventions: Cultural Resistance Post-9/11.
Supervisors: Deborah Cherry, Jaap Kooijman and Marieke de Goede, 28 November 2013

Jennifer Dyer
Serial Images: The Modern Art of Iteration
Supervisor: Mieke Bal 23 September 2003

Jennifer Steetskamp
Lessings Gespenster: Die Zeiträume der Bewegtbildinstallation
Supervisors: Thomas Eslaesser & Ruth Sonderegger, 30 October 2012

Jeroen Lutters
In de schaduw van het kunstwerk: art-based learning in de praktijk
Supervisor: Mieke Bal, 12 September 2012

Jillian St. Jacques
Sexual Ambiguity: Narrative Manifestations in Adaptation.
Supervisor: Mireille Rosello, 13 May 2014

Johan de Jong
The Movement of Thinking. Hegel – Heidegger – Derrida
Supervisors: Josef Früchtl & Kees Jan Brons, 1 July 2015

Joost Bolten
Tussen voorstelling en uitvoering. De plaats van de tekst in het videowerk van Gary Hill.
Supervisors:  José van Dijck,  John Neubauer. September 21, 2006.

Jos van Helvoort
Assessment of information literacy skills in higher education.
Supervisors: Frank Huysmans, Saskia Brand-Gruwel and Ellen Sjoer, 15 September 2016

Josh Weeks
Roberto Bolaño and the Neoliberal Labyrinth
Supervisors: Shelley Godsland, Hanneke Stuit, Mai 2023

Juan David Montoya Alzate
Caribbean Music Palimpsests: Embodied Action and Cultural Transmission
Supervisors | Julia Kursell, Barbara Titus, July 2024

Judith Naeff
Beirut’s Suspended Now: Imaginaries of a Precarious City.
Supervisors: Christoph Lindner & Richard van Leeuwen. 7 October 2016

Jules Sturm
Bodies We Fail: Productive Embodiments of Imperfection
Supervisors: Mieke Bal, Murat Aydemir, Hanneke Grootenboer, 14 June 2012



Karin Christof
The Citizen Professional as New Co-Actor in Urban Space Production
Supervisor | René Boomkens, 18 December 2024

Katrien Vuylsteke –van Fleteren
Drama and Desire. A Lacanian Look on the political Dimension of the contemporary Theatre
Supervisor: Christel van Boheemen, 7 September, 2005


Lara Mazurski
Besieged by Burqas: Analyzing Representations of the Burqa.
Supervisor: Mireille Rosello, 15 April 2015

Laura Copier
Preposterous Revelations: Visions of Apocalypse and Martyrdom in Hollywood Cinema 1980-2000
Supoervisor: Mieke Bal, 22 January 2009

Laura Vermeeren
The Power of Social Calligraphy
Supervisors: Jeroen de Kloet, Stefan Lansberger, 29 January 2020

Leenke Ripmeester
Permitted Performatives, The Construction of Youth in Music Videos.
Supervisor: Thomas Elsaesser. June 27, 2006.

Leonie Schmidt
Visions of the Future: Imagining Islamic Modernities in Indonesian Islamic-themed post-Suharto Popular and Visual Culture.
Supervisors: Pamela Pattynama & Jeroen de Kloet, 19 September 2014

Leslie Kavanaugh
The Architectonic of Philosophy: Plato, Aristotle, Leibniz
Supervisor: Hent de Vries, 26 June 2007

Levent Yılmazok
Eurimages and Turkish Cinema: History, Identity, Culture.
Supervisor: Patricia Pisters, 31 May 2012

Lilian Bermejo Luque
Bases filosóficas para una teoría normativa integral de la argumentación. Hacia un enfoque unificadai de sus dimensiones lógucam dialéctica y retórica.
Supervisors: Frans H. van Eemeren and G. Fernández Díez-Picazo, University of Murcia,  June 16,  2006.

Lin Jian
Governmentality in Cultural Industries of China
Supervisor | Jeroen de Kloet

Lisanne Snelders
The Dynamics of Literary Heritage: The Case of the Dutch East Indies
Supervisors: Thomas Vaessens, Yra van Dijk, Paul Bijl, 6 July 2018

Loes Rusch
“Our Subcultural Shit-Music”: Dutch Jazz, Representation and Cultural Politics.
Supervisor: Walter van de Leur, 17 May 2016

Lonneke van der Velden
Surveillance as public matter: revisiting sousveillance through devices and leaks
Supervisor: Richard Rogers. 8 February 2018

Lonnie van Brummelen
Drifting Studio Practice. Return of the making in the thinking
Supervisor | Patricia Pisters, Henk Slager, November 2021

Lotte van Poppel
Getting the vaccine now will protect you in the future! A pragma-dialectical analysis of strategic maneuvering with pragmatic argumentation in health brochures.
Supervisor Frans H. van Eemeren, 1 November 2013

Lucy Cotter
Curating, Cultural Capital and Symbolic Power: Representations of Irish Art
in London, 1950‐2010
Supervisors: Mieke Bal & Esther Peeren, 18 January 2011

Lucy van de Wiel
Freezing Fertility: Oocyte Cryopreservation and the Gender Politics of Ageing.
Supervisors: Esther Peeren, José van Dijck and Mieke Bal, 6 November 2015

Lukas Verburgt
“A terrible piece of bad metaphysics”? Towards a history of abstraction in nineteenth- and early twentieth-century probability theory, mathematics and logic.
Supervisor: Gerard de Vries, 1 October 2015


Maaike van Berkel
Accountants and Men of Letters. Status and Position of Civil Servants in Early Tenth Century Baghdad.
Supervisor: Ruud Peters  11 February 2003 Cum Laude

Maaike Bleeker
The Locus of Looking. Dissecting Visuality in the Theatre.
Supervisors: Thomas Elsaesser and Susan Foster, 4 July 2002 Cum Laude

Machiel Butter
The Philosophy of Perception: Epistemology and Poetics in 19th-Century English Literature
Supervisor: Peter Verdonk, April 14, 2005

Madeleine Kasten
In Search of "Kynde Knowynge". Piers Plowman and the Origin of Allegorical Dynamics
Supervisor: Burcht Pranger, 9 May 2001

Maite van Dijk
Foreign Artists versus French Critics: Exhibition Strategies and Critical Reception at the Salon des Indépendants in Paris (1884-1914).
Supervisors: Mia Lerm-Hayes, Rachel Esner, and Leo Jansen. 24 November 2017

Malte Hagener
Avant-garde Culture and Reproductive Media. The Networks and Discourses of the European Film Avant-garde, 1919-1939
Supervisor: Thomas Elsaesser, June 21, 2005)

Manuela Kalsky
"Christaphanien". Die Re-Vision der Christologie aus der Sicht von Frauen in unterschiedlichen Kulturen
Supervisor: Theo Witvliet, 1 December 2000

Maral Mohsenin
Between Preservation and Exhibition: Debates on Digital Technology in European Film Archives
Supervisors: Giovanna Fossati & Benoit Turguety, October 2022

Marc Davidson
Arguing about climate change. Judging the handling of climate risk to future generations by comparison to the general standards of contact in the case of risk to contemporaries
Supervisor: Govert den Hartogh 15  January 2009

Marc Tuters
Kosmoikos: The Search for Location in a Networked Age
Supervisor: Richard Rogers, 28 October 2015

Marcin Lewinski
Internet Political Discussion Forums as an Argumentative Activity Type. A pragma‐dialecitcal analysis of online forms of strategic manoeuvring in reacting critically
Supervisor: Frans van Eemeren, 11 June 2010

Margaret Tali
Speaking Absence. Art Museums, Representation and Knowledge Creation.
Supervisors Christoph Lindner and Jeroen Boomgaard. 23 September 2014

Maria Poulaki
Before or beyond narrative? Towards a complex systems theory of contemporary films
Supervisors: Thomas Elsaesser & Wanda Strauven, 2 December 2011

Marianne Boenink
Philosophy, Literature and Political Judgement
Supervisor: Veit Bader 23 June 2000

Marie-Aude Baronian
Image et Témoignage. Vers une esthétique de la Catastrophe
Supervisors: Hent de Vries & Thomas Elsaesser, May 24, 2005

Marie Beauchamps
Affective Identities. Denaturalization and the Politics of Nationality in France
Supervisor: Mireille Rosello, 17 September 2015

Marijke de Valck
Film festivals, history and theory of a European phenomenon that became a global network.
Supervisor: Thomas Elsaesser. May 16, 2006 Cum Laude

Marina Konstantinova
Changes in the Russian literary field during and after the perestroika (1985-1995)
Supervisor: Willem Weststeijn, 7 October 2009

Mario Caro
The nativa as image: Art history, nationalism and decolonizing aesthetics
Supervisor: Mieke Bal, 30 June 2010

Mariwan Kanie
Martelaarschap Tussen Natie en Religie. Politieke liefde, poëzie en zelfopoffering in Koerdisch
Supervisor: Ruud Peters, 15 September 2010

Marjan Nijborg
The Impact of the Moroccan Diaspora on the Literature of the Netherlands and Flanders, 1994-2010
Supervisors: Ieme van der Poel, Lisa Kuitert, 15 December 2015

Mark de Wilde
Verwantschap in Extremen. Politieke Theologie bij Walter Benjamin en Carl Schmitt

Supervisor: Hent de Vries, 2008

Marloes Geboers
The Visual Language of News on Social Media
Supervisor: Richard Rogers, April 2022

Martine Artz
Fantasy and Reality in Abram Terc’s Early Prose. A Documentary-Narratological Study
Supervisor: Willem Weststeijn, June 21, 2005

Martine Huvenne
Het geluid als een innerlijke beweging in de overdracht van een ervaring in de film. Een fenomenologische benadering
Supervisor: Rokus de Groot, 18 September 2012

Maryn Wilkinson
Wonder Girls – Undercurrents of Resistance in the Representation of Teenage Girls in 1980s American Cinema
Supervisors: Patricia Pister, Jaap Kooijman, 22 February 2013

Matthé Scholten
Reminders of Duty: A Kantian Theory of Blame.
Supervisors: Josef Früchtl and Marcus Willaschek, 9 September 2016

Matthijs Engelberts
La scène du narrateur: theatre, récit et moi chez Beckett et Duras
Supervisor: Willem Weststeijn, 2 February 2000 Cum Laude

Maurits Berger
Sharia and public law in Egyptian family law.
Supervisor: Ruud Peters, 10 November 2005

Melanie Schiller
Sound-Tracking Germany. (70 Years of Imagining the Nation from Schlager to Techno).
Supervisors: Jeroen de Kloet & Jaap Kooijman, 15 January 2016

Melis Behlil 
Home Away from Home: Global Directors of New Hollywood
Supervisor: Thomas Elsaesser, 26 June 2007

Melle Kromhout
Noise Resonance. Technological Sound Reproduction and the Logic of Filtering.
Supervisor: Sander van Maas, 16 March 2017. Cum Laude

Michael Burke
Echoes from a Shallow Bay
Supervisor: John Neubauer, 2008

Michael Katzberg
Cultures of Light: Contemporary Trends in Museum Exhibition
Supervisor: Mieke Bal, 6 November 2009

Michael Punt
Early Cinema and the Technicological Imaginary
Supervisor: Thomas Elsaesser 19 May 2000

Michael Stevenson
The Web As Exception: The Rise of New Media Publishing Cultures.
Supervisors: Richard Rogers, José van Dijck, 6 June 2013

Michael Wedel
Der Deutsche Musikfilm. Archäologie eines Genres, 1914-1945.
Supervisor: Thomas Elsaesser, 27 April, 2005

Mikki Stelder
Queer Visibility and Visions of Palestine-Israel: On Pinkwashing and Resistance
Supervisor: Mireille Rosello, 6 March 2016, Cum Laude

Mimi Mitchell
The Revival of the Baoque Violin
Supervisor | Julia Kursell & Barbara Titus, 2019

Minke Hazewindus
Gender-bending the Histories. Narrative Reconfigurations of Herodotes' Women
Supervisor: Mieke Bal 20 September 2001

Miriam Meissner
Global Financial Crisis and the City: Narrative, Myth and the Urban Imaginary
Supervisor: Christoph Lindner, 1 July 2015

Mirjam Prenger
Achter het nieuws en de geboorte van de actualiteitenrubriek. Televisiejournalistiek in de jaren vijftig en zestig.
Supervisor: Frank van Vree, 7 November 2014

Moosje Goosen
Missing Limbs
Supervisor | Esther Peeren, Patricia Pisters, 5 October 2023

Murat Aydemir
Images of Bliss
Supervisors: Mieke Bal & Ernst van Alphen, 2004 Cum Laude

Muriëlle Lucie Clément
Andreï Makine. Présence de l’absence : une poétique de l’art (photographie, cinéma, musique)
Supervisor: Ieme van der Poel, 2008


Nadia de Vries
Bodies in (E)Motion: The Physical Corpse in Virtual Space
Supervisors: Ellen Rutten & Esther Peeren, 2 December 2020

Nadica Denić
Cinematic Ethics of Migration: Auto-Ethnographic Migrant Perspectives in Contemporary Documentary Film.
Supervisors: Patricia Pisters, Carolyn Birdsall, 21 November 2024

Natalia Sanchez Querubin
Pain and Software: Programming, Sharing, Animating and Editing Pain in Digital Culture
Supervisor | Richard Rogers, 16 September 2020

Natasha Basu
States, Borders and Subaltern Citizens: Transformations of Transnational Civil Disobedience
Supervisor: Robin Celikates, Beate Roessler. 17 September 2019

Niall Martin
Noise, Neoliberalism and Iain Sinclair
Supervisor: Mireille Rosello, 9 March 2012

Niamh Ann Kelly
History by proxy imaging the great Irish famine
Supervisors: Mieke Bal and Esther Peeren, 7 July 2010 Cum Laude

Nico Beger
Que(e)rying Political Practices in Europe
Supervisor: Mieke Bal, 2 November 2001 Cum Laude

Nicolas Kolonias
The Mindful Gamer: Diagrammatical Strategies on the Bio-political Plane of Digital Gaming Culture.
Supervisors: Patricia Pisters & Stephan Zepke, 21 April 2015

Niels Kerssens
Cultures of Use–1970s/1980s: An Archaeology of Computing’s Integration with Everyday Life.
Supervisor: José van Dijck, 25 May 2016

Niels Ten Oever
Net of Rights
Supervisors | Stefania Milan & Richard Rogers, 28 October 2020

Noa Roei
Shifting Sights: Civilian Militarism in Israeli Art and Visual Culture
Supervisors: Mieke Bal & Murat Aydemir, 14 June 2012

Noortje Marres
The Rules of Engagement: Issue-movements, New Media and the Democratic Deficit
Supervisor: Gerard de Vries, 8 November, 2005

Nur Ozgenalp
Cyborgization and Decyborgization
Supervisor | Patricia Pisters, September 2021


Olaf Köndgen
Codifying a jurist’s law: Islamic criminal legislation and Supreme Court case law in the Sudan under Numairi and Bashir.
Supervisor: Ruud Peters, 12 June 2013

Olga Krasa-Ryabets
Secret Theatre: off-the-grid performance practices in socialist Poland and Czechoslovakia
Supervisors | Ellen Rutten & Kati Röttger, October 2019

Ozge Calafato
Modernity, Memory and Identity: Vernacular Photographs from Turkey
Supervisor: Esther Peeren, 25 November 2020

Oluchi Joyce Igili
Towards Emplacing Authentic Political Theatre in Nigeria
Supervisor | Kati Rottger, Sruti Bala, April 2023



Pablo Muruzábal Lamberti
Apprentices of Listening - Listening as a dialogical virtue and skill in primary education
Supervisors: Josef fruchtl, Anders Schinkel, Chiel van der Veen, February 2023

Paris Cameron-Gardos
Way Out: Re-Iterative Coming Out in Queer European Cinema  
Supervisor | Mireille Rosello, 2019

Patricia Pisters
From Eye to Brain. Gilles Deleuze: refiguring the subject in film theory
Supervisors: Thomas Elsaesser and Sorin Alexandrescu, 29 June 1998

Paula Albuquerque
The Webcam as an Emerging Cinematic Medium.
Supervisors: Patricia Pisters & Jeroen Boomgaard 14 January 2016

Paulina Aroch Fugellie
The Subject of Postcolonial Discourse and the New International Division of Labor
Supervisor: Mieke Bal, 22 October 2010

Pedram Dibazar
Non-Visibility and the Politics of Everyday Presence: A Spatial Analysis of Contemporary Urban Iran
Supervisor: Christoph Lindner 1 July 2016

Penn Ip
Affect and Urbanity: Single Migrant Women’s “Home” in Shanghai
Supervisor | Jeroen de Kloet, 20 September 2018

Pepita Hesselberth
Cinematic Chronotopes: Affective Encounters in Space-Time
Supervisors: Thomas Elsaesser & Ulrik Ekman, 11 September 2012

Peter Verstraten
Screeing Cowboys: Reading Masculinity in Westerns
Supervisors: Christel van Boheemen-Saaf and Ernst van Alphen, 1999

Peter Nouwens
Hans Jürgen Syberberg und das Modell Nossendorf. Räume und Figuren ohne Ort und Zeit.
Supervisor: Josef Früchtl, 1 February 2012

Philipp Schmerheim
Skepticism Films. Knowing and Doubting the World in Contemporary Cinema
Supervisor Josef Früchtl, 10 December 2013 Cum Laude

Piet de Vries
De heerlijkheid van JHWH in het oude testament en in het bijzonder in het boek Ezechiël
Supervisor: Athalya Brenner, 24 March 2010

Pieter Bots
Assessment of Artistic Quality
Supervisor | René Boomkens,  28 February 2024

Pieter Verstraete
The Frequency of Imagination. Auditory Distress and Aurality in Contemporary Music Theatre
Supervisors: Maaike Bleeker & Christopher Balme, 2 June 2009

Pim Klaassen
In Brains We Trust. How neuroeconomics stylize trust, the brain and the social world.
Supervisor: Gerard de Vries, 24 October 2014


Rebecca Breuer
Fashion Beyond Identity: The Three Ecologies of Dress.
Supervisors: Patricia Pisters and Marie Aude Baronian, 4 November 2015

Rebecca Erickson
Middlebrow Musical Misogyny
Supervisors: Julia Kursell, Barbara Titus, 3 March, 2021

René Glas
Games of Stake. Control, Agency and Ownership in World of Warcraft
Supervisor: José van Dijck, 15 October 2010

Richard de Brabander
Engagement in spiegelschrift. Blanchot en Derrida
Supervisor: Hent de Vries, 22 May 2003

Rik Spanjers
Imagining the Past
Supervisor | Thomas Vaessens, 1 November 2019

Rob Leurs
Onbegrijpelijk Kwaad: Marc Dutroux als ‘ster van het kwaad’ en als sublieme media ervaring.
Supervisor: Patricia Pisters. November 17, 2006.

Rob van der Zalm
Ibsen op de planken. De ensceneringsgeschiedenis van het werk van Hendrik Ibsen uin Nederland, 1980-1995

Rob van Someren Greve
Inaccessible Obligations
Supervisor: Govert den Hartogh, 11 September 2012

Rob Zegers
The eyes and other pathographical aspects of J.S. Bach and W.A. Mozart
Supervisor: Rokus de Groot 2008

Roya Khoshneviss Ansari
Crude Oil, Political Identities: The Oil-Encounter in Modern Iranian Fiction
Supervisors: Esther Peeren , Ernst van Alphen, December 2021

Rowan Parry
Independent Chinese Documentary
Supervisors: Jeroen de Kloet, Esther Peeren, 2 September 2020

Ruud Hendriks
Autistisch gezelschap. Een empirisch-filosofisch onderzoek naar het gezamenlijk bestaan van autistische en niet-autistische personen
Supervisor: Gerard de Vries 10 October 2000


Sabine Niederer
Networked Content Analysis: The case of climate change.
Supervisor: José van Dijck, 23 June 2016

Sal Hagen
“Is this /ourguy/?”: Tracing Political Identity Formation within Anonymous Online Subcultures.
Supervisor | Bernhard Rieder,  June 2024

Sander van Maas
Doorbraak en idiolatrie. Olivier Messiaen en het geloof in de muziek
Supervisors: Rokus de Groot and Hent de Vries, 22 March 2002 Cum Laude

Sasha Vojkovic
Subjectivity in the New Hollywoord Cinema: Fathers, Sons and Other Ghosts
Supervisor: Mieke Bal, 6 February 2001

Saskia Lourens
Writing History: National Identity in André Brink’s Post-Apartheid Fiction
Supervisor: Mieke Bal, 26 October 2009

Seda Muftugil
Compulsory Religion Education and Religious Minorities
Supervisor: Ruud Peters, 13 September 2011

Selcuk Balamir
Beyond the commodity-machine: The production of the common in post-capitalist design cultures
Supervisor | Joost de Bloois, 4 May, 2021

Senta Siewert
Entgrenzungsfilme. Jugend, Musik, Affekt, Gedächtnis. Eine pragmatische Poetik zeitgenössischer europäischer Filme
Supervisor: Thomas Elsaesser, 24 June 2009

Seth Nathaniel Rogoff
The Politics of thye Dreamscape
Supervisors: Esther Peeren & Thomas Vaessens, 10 January 2020

Shahin Nasiri
Rethinking the Notion of Freedom from the Perspective of the Refugee
Supervisors: Robin Celikates & Yolande Jansen, 13 September 2023

Shuaishuai Wang
Media Discourse of Gay Man in Their Everyday Practices in China
Supervisor | Jeroen de Kloet, 19 November 2019

Simla Donangün
From National Allegory to Cosmopolitanism. Transformations in Contemporary Anglo-Indian and Turkish Novels.
Supervisors: Murat Aydemir & Mieke Bal, 17 June 2014

Simon Ferdinand
I Map Therefore I Am Modern. Maps and Global Modernity in the Visual Arts.
Supervisors: Jeroen de Kloet and Esther Peeren,23 June 2017 Cum Laude

Simone Kalkman
Art in a Divided City: The Representation of the Rio de Janeiro Favela in Participatory Art Projects.
Supervisor | Christoph Lindner, Carolyn Birdsall, 4 juli 2019

Sonja Neef
Kaligramme. Zur Medialität einer Schrift Anhand von Paul van Ostaijens De feesten van angst en pijn
Supervisor: Mieke Bal, 31 October 2000

Stacey Vorster
South Africa's Constitutional Court Art Collection: Curating Post-apartheid
Supervisor: Carrol Clarkson, Mia Lerm-Hayes, January 2023

Stephan Besser
Pathographie der Tropen. Literatur, Medizin und kolonialismus um 1900
Supervisor: John Neubauer, 17 March 2009

Susan Close
Framing Identity: Social Practice of Photography in Canada (1880-1920)
Supervisor: Mieke Bal, December 15, 2005

Susanne Hennecke
Der vergessene Schleier. Versuch eines theologischen Gesprachs zwischen Luce Irigaray und Karl Barth
Supervisor: Theo Witvliet 15 February 2000

Sybrandt van Keulen
Kosmopolitieken, van Kant, Levi-Strauss en Derrida
Supervisor: Hent de Vries, 12 May 2004


Tammy Lynn Castelein
No more Heroes: Heidegger Between the Wars.
Supervisors: Frans Willem Korsten & Hent de Vries, 31 May 2012

Tan Junqiang
Narrative Modes in Lu Xun's Short Stories
Supervisor: John Neubauer, 23 November 2001

Tânia Alexandra Esteves Fernandes Cardoso
The illustrated cityscape: imperfect lines of urban exploration
Supervisors | Emilie Sitzia, Carolyn Birdsall, 15 October 2024

Tarja Laine
Spectatorship, Emotions and Experience
Supervisor: Thomas Elsaesser, 13 April 2004

Tereza Havelková
Opera as Hypermedium. Meaning-Making, Immediacy, and the Politics of Perception.
Supervisors: Rokus de Groot and Maaike Bleeker (Universiteit Utrecht), 7 June 2017

Teri Reynolds
Case Studies in Cognitive Metaphor and Interdisciplinary Analysis: Physics, Biology, Narrative
Supervisor: Mieke Bal 3 November 2000

Thijs Witty
Essayism at the Dusk of Catastrophe: Limit Experience, Subjectivity, Form
Supervisor | Marie-Aude Baronian & Mireille Rosello

Tim Yaczo
Brains with Character: Reading and Writing Neuronarrative
Supervisor: Patricia Pisters & Jan Hein Hoogstad, 29 September 2015

Timea Lelik
From Concept to Image: The Painted Portrait in the 20th Century and After. The Portraits of Edvard Munch, Francis Bacon, and Marlene Dumas
Supervisors | Mia Lerm-Hayes and Ernst van Alphen, October 2020

Tjalling Valdés Olmos
Imagining the Rural in Contemporary American Culture
Supervisors | Esther Peeren, Jaap Kooijman

Tom Kayzel 
How everything became economics: The rise of the CPB and economic thinking in Dutch political debates.
Supervisor: Huub Dijstelbloem, Frederica Russo, November 2021

Ton de Kok
N.I.Novikov als Vrijmetselaar. De spirituele zoektocht van een Russische schrijver, publicist en uitgever 1744-1818.
Supervisor: Willem Weststeijn, 22 June 2000

Toni Mazel
Governing Food: Media, Politics and Pleasure​
Supervisor | Patricia Pisters, Markus Stauff, Maarten Doorman, 2019

Tõnu Lehtsaar
Transformations in Religious Experience
Supervisor: Jacob van Belzen, 1999

Tycho Maas
Exchanging Tales of War: Imagined Communities and Negotiation of Identities in ographical Writings of the Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902)
Supervisors | Ena Jansen, Esther Peeren, June 2020


Uzma Ansari
The Significance of Cityscapes in Pamuk’s Oeuvre as Psychodynamic Spaces for Engagement with the Imaginal
Supervisor | Carrol Clarkson and Rudolph Glitz, 6 Februari 2019


Vesna Vravnik
Activism and film: A Trojan Horse and Other Activist Tactics in Balkan Cinema
Supervisor | Mireille Rosello, 2019

Vincent DeLuca, Witnesses to Revoltution: Documentary Film, Multitude, and Global Democracy in the 21st Century
Supervisor | Patricia Pisters, November 2021

Vincent Seminck, Friendship and enmity in Nietzsche and Schmitt
Supervisors | Jozef Fruchtl and Marc de Wilde. May 2024


Walid El Houri
The Meaning of Resistance: Hezbollah’s Media Strategies and the Articulation of a People
Supervisor: Patricia Pisters, 9 March 2012

Walter Buijn
Arabesque or Idea: A musical-aesthetic controversy in the Netherlands, 1820-1914
Supervisor: Rokus de Groot, 17 April 2007

Ward Rennen
City Events. Place Seling in a Media Age
Supervisors: José van Dijck & Ginette Verstaete 14 September 2007

Wigbertson Julian Isenia
Non-heteronormative Cultural Practices of Sexual Citizenship in Curaçao and Bonaire under Conditions of (Post)Coloniality
Supervisors: Sruti Bala & Rivke Jaffe, September 2022

Wouter Capitain
Edward Said's Musical Concepts
Supervisor | Julia Kursell, September 2021 Cum Laude


Yasmina El Haddad
Le Patrimoine revisité: Histoire, mémoire et diaspora dans la littérature marocaine d’expression espagnole 1951-2009.
Supervisor Ieme van der Poel, 18 October 2013

Ydessa Hendeles
Curatorial Compositions
Supervisor: Mieke Bal 8 December 2009 Cum Laude

Yolande Jansen
Liberal pluralism, French secularism and the memory of Jewish Assimilation.
Supervisors:  Ieme van der Poel, Veit Bader. May 19, 2006.

Yvonne Delhey
Schwarze Orchideen und andere blaue Blumen. Reformsozialismus und Literatur in der DDR
Supervisor: Dieter Hensing, 12 September 2002

Yvon Tonnard
Getting an issue on the table. A pragma‐dialectical study of presentational choices in confrontational strategic manoeuvring in Dutch parliamentary debate
Supervisor: Frans H. van Eemeren, 11 November 2011


Zeynep Gunduz
Digital Dance: (Dis) entangling human and technology
Supervisors: José van Dijck & Maaike Bleeker, 23 November 2012

Zoénie Liwen Deng
The Critical Implications of Socially Engaged Art Concerning Urbanisation in Contemporary China
Supervisors: Jeroen de Kloet, Sruti Bala, 11 November 2020