ArtiC: Art in Care - Aesthetic Configurations, Impact and Spaces of Care is one of the seed grants that was awarded funding; it belongs to the 'Healthy Future' sub-theme of the programme, that attends to mental and physical health in relation to cultural factors, behaviour, participation in society and the realisation of equal opportunities. ArtiC is a collaboration between the humanities, medical and social and behavioural faculties. Its main focus is to investigate how caregivers interact with aesthetic interventions, such as art spaces in the hospital. The project also aims to explore how artistic interventions in health care can best be evaluated. This grant project builds on the existing work of the non-academic partner Stichting Project Stimulus, that explores the collaborative potential between museums and hospitals for the creation of sustainable working and living environments through the curation of art exhibition experiences.
Dr. Noa Roei, Assistant Professor, Department of Literary and Cultural Analysis, AIHR, Faculty of Humanities
Prof. Jeanette Pols, Professor, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Amsterdam UMC
Maya Lane, Lecturer, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Science, AISSR
Simone Stergioula, independent researcher, ASCA