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Prof. dr. K.H. (Karina) van Dalen-Oskam

Computational Literary Studies (chair in co-operation with The Huygens Institute of the KNAW)
Faculty of Humanities
Capaciteitsgroep Nederlandse Letterkunde
Photographer: Monique Kooijmans

Visiting address
  • Spuistraat 134
Postal address
  • Postbus 1637
    1000 BP Amsterdam
  • CV

    Karina van Dalen-Oskam is endowed professor of Computational Literary Studies at the University of Amsterdam since 1 March 2012. She lectures in Computational literary studies at the UvA and for the Netherlands Research School for Literary Studies (OSL) and the Huizinga Institute. She is also one of the lecturers of the workshop on quantitative methods at the department of Neerlandistiek and supervises theses and dissertations. 

    In June 2023, her book The Riddle of Literary Quality: A Computational Approach was published by Amsterdam University Press, in open access. This book contains an accessible synthesis of the results of the project The Riddle of Literary Quality, which ran from 2012 - 2019 and was funded by the Computational Humanities Programme of the KNAW (the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences). A longer version of the book was published by AUP in 2021 under the title Het raadsel literatuur: is literaire kwaliteit meetbaar? More information can be found on the website accompanying the book.

    Karina also works full-time as research leader of Computational literary studies at the Huygens Institute for History and Culture of the Netherlands (an institute of the KNAW) in Amsterdam. Therefore, for an overview of all her publications and more about her background and research, please visit her web page at the Huygens Institute.

  • Publications


    • Primorac, A., Arias, R., Patras, R., Eglāja-Kristsone, E., van Dalen-Oskam, K., Herrmann, B., Schöch, C., & François, P. (2023). Distant Reading Two Decades On: Reflections on the Digital Turn in the Study of Literature. Digital Studies/Le Champ Numerique, 13. [details]


    • de Does, J., Depuydt, K., van Dalen-Oskam, K., & Marx, M. (2017). Namescape: Named Entity Recognition from a Literary Perspective. In J. Odijk, & A. van Hessen (Eds.), Clarin in the Low Countries (pp. 361-370). Ubiquity Press. [details]


    • Martinez-Ortiz, C., Koolen, M., Buschenhenke, F., & van Dalen-Oskam, K. (2015). Beyond the Book: Linking Books to Wikipedia. In Proceedings, 11th IEEE International Conference on eScience: 31 August-4 September 2015, Munich, Germany (pp. 12-21). IEEE Computer Society. [details]


    • van Dalen-Oskam, K., de Does, J., Marx, M., Sijaranamual, I., Depuydt, K., Verheij, B., & Geirnaert, V. (2014). Named Entity Recognition and Resolution for Literary Studies. Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands Journal, 4, 121-136. [details]


    • Van Zundert, J. J., Van den Heuvel, C., Brumfield, B., Van Dalen-Oskam, K., Franzini, G., Sahle, P., Shaw, R., & Terras, M. (2013). Text Theory, Digital Document, and the Practice of Digital Editions. In Digital Humanities 2013: Conference Abstracts : University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA, 16-19 July 2013 (pp. 59-62). Center for Digital Research in the Humanities. [details]


    • van Dalen-Oskam, K., & Kuiper, W. (2008). Vertalingen uit het Middelnederlands van het handschrift 10 B 21. In C. A. Chavannes-Mazel (Ed.), Maerlants Rijmbijbel in Museum Meermanno: de kracht van woorden, de pracht van beelden (pp. 31-161, verspreid). Museum Meermanno-Westreenianum. [details]


    • van Dalen-Oskam, K. H. (2013). De stijl van R. (Oratiereeks; No. 460). Vossiuspers UvA. [details]


    • Buschenhenke, F. (2025). Entering stories: Decoding born-digital fiction writing through keystroke logging. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Universiteit Antwerpen]. [details]


    • Bekius, L. L. (2023). Behind the computer screens: The use of keystroke logging for genetic criticism applied to born-digital works of literature. [Thesis, externally prepared, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Universiteit Antwerpen]. [details]


    • Koolen, C. W. (2018). Reading beyond the female: The relationship between perception of author gender and literary quality. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


    • Van Zundert, J. J., Mar, R. A., Van Dalen-Oskam, K., Bowman, I., Temple, E., Heidari, F. & Nguyen, A.-T. P. (26-3-2020). Corpus metadata "Features of Timelessness" project. Zenodo.
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  • Ancillary activities
    • Huygens ING KNAW