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J. (Johana) Kotišová PhD

Faculty of Humanities
Capaciteitsgroep Media & Cultuur

Visiting address
  • Turfdraagsterpad 9
  • Room number: 1.09
Postal address
  • Postbus 94550
    1090 GN Amsterdam
  • Publications


    • Kotišová, J. (2024). Don't be a jerk: Guidelines for ethical and sustainable collaboration among reporters, fixers, and local producers covering warzones. In Journalism as the Fourth Emergency Service: Trauma and Resilience (pp. 129-138). Peter Lang Academic.
    • Kotišová, J. (2024). The epistemic injustice in conflict reporting: Reporters and ‘fixers’ covering Ukraine, Israel, and Palestine. Journalism, 25(6), 1290-1309. [details]
    • Kotišová, J. (2024). “It’s a jungle”: Precarity, solidarity, and ambiguity in small conflict reporting ecosystems. Journalism. Advance online publication.
    • de Jong, B., & Kotišová, J. (2024). “The goal is to make you weaker”: Mental well-being and risks among European cross-border investigative journalists. Journalism. Advance online publication.


    • Kotisova, J., & Císařová, L. W. (2023). “I Know Which Devil I Write for”: Two Types of Autonomy Among Czech Journalists Remaining in and Leaving the Prime Minister’s Newspapers. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 28(1), 238–256. [details]
    • Kotišová, J., & van der Velden, L. C. (2023). The Affective Epistemology of Digital Journalism: Emotions as Knowledge Among On-the-Ground and OSINT Media Practitioners Covering the Russo-Ukrainian War. Digital Journalism, 1-20.






    • Kotišová, J. (2022). Between detachment and proximity: emotional negotiations in conflict reporting. Paper presented at ICA, Paris, France.
    • Kotišová, J. (2022). Covering Ukraine: Emotional Gaps and Bridges among Reporters and Fixers. Paper presented at Emotional Labour in Media Work, London, United Kingdom.
    • Kotišová, J. (2022). Decolonizing conflict journalism studies: A critical review of research on fixers. Paper presented at ECREA Journalism 2022, Utrecht, Netherlands.
    • Kotišová, J. (2022). Don’t be a Jerk: Guidelines for ethical and sustainable collaboration among reporters, fixers, and local producers covering warzones.. Paper presented at Living to tell the tale – building community resilience in journalism. JETREG conference 2023, Sheffield, United Kingdom.


    • Kotišová, J., & Deuze, M. J. P. (2021). Conflict reporting in the Post-Covid World. Paper presented at Future of Journalism Conference.

    Prize / grant

    Media appearance

    Talk / presentation

    • Kotišová, J. (invited speaker) (23-3-2023). "The affective epistemology of digital journalism: Emotions as knowledge among on-the-ground and OSINT media practitioners covering the Russo-Ukrainian War" and "Decolonizing conflict journalism studies: The case of research on ‘fixers", Södertörn University.
    • Kotišová, J. (invited speaker) (22-2-2023). Local ‘fixers’ in conflict reporting: Emotional labour and the ethics of transnational collaboration, University of Sheffield.
    • Kotišová, J. (invited speaker) (16-1-2023). Ukrainian journalists & fixers: Minds and bodies on the frontline, Eastplainers, Amsterdam.
    • Kotišová, J. (invited speaker) (14-12-2022). Covering the Russo-Ukrainian War: Transnational journalistic teams and postcolonial epistemologies, University of Hradec Králové.
    • Kotišová, J. (keynote speaker) (3-6-2022). Journalists need emotional/trauma literacy: The case of reporters and fixers covering Ukraine and Israel/Palestine, Masaryk University.
    • Etkind, A. (speaker), Burlyuk, O. (speaker), Kemper, M. (speaker), Noack, C. (speaker), Kotišová, J. (speaker), Rutten, E. (speaker) & Cebulak, P. (speaker) (2-3-2022). War at Our Door.
    • Kotišová, J. (invited speaker) (25-2-2022). The margins of conflict reporting, Research School for Media Studies.
    • Kotišová, J. (invited speaker) (16-2-2022). Between detachment and proximity: Emotional levels of conflict reporting, University of Groningen.
    • Deuze, M. (speaker) & Kotišová, J. (speaker) (23-9-2021). Journalism as an Occupational Hazard: Understanding the Mental Health and Well-Being of Journalists, Future of Journalism Conference.
    • Kotišová, J. (invited speaker) (6-2021). How to have even more fun: Creative nonfiction as a way to make social science more engaging and engaged, Masaryk University.


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