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Dr. T.L. (Timo) Koren

Faculty of Humanities
Algemene Cultuurwetenschappen

Visiting address
  • Turfdraagsterpad 15
Postal address
  • Postbus 94551
    1090 GN Amsterdam
  • About

    I am an assistant professor in Cultural Economy at the University of Amsterdam. Before joining this university in September 2023, I worked as a lecturer in the Department of Arts and Culture Studies at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. I hold a PhD in Geography from the University of Southampton (UK). My academic interests lie at the intersection of Cultural Studies and Urban Studies and my main research focus is the night-time economy.

    My PhD, obtained in 2021, focused on cultural production in Amsterdam-based nightclubs. My approach to nightlife has a strong spatial component: I am interested in how night-time economies function as nodes in the global flows of music genres and musical knowledge, and how these economies are impacted by urban dynamics such as regulation, gentrification, and urban regeneration. Furthermore, I focus on music genres to understand how cultural norms and cultural ideals shape economic practices.

  • Publications




    • Koren, T. (2022). The work that genre does: How music genre mediates gender inequalities in the informal work cultures of Amsterdam's nightclubs. Poetics, 95, Article 101713.


    • Chauvin, S., Salcedo Robledo, M., Koren, T., & Illidge, J. (2021). Class, mobility and inequality in the lives of same-sex couples with mixed legal statuses. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 47(2), 430-446.



    • Chauvin, S., Coenders, Y., & Koren, T. (2018). Never having been racist: Explaining the blackness of blackface in the Netherlands. Public Culture, 30(3), 509-526.


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  • Ancillary activities
    No ancillary activities