Marjolein Lanzing is Assistant Professor Philosophy of Technology at the University of Amsterdam. Marjolein studies the ethical and political concerns related to (AI) technologies, such as discrimination, manipulation, exploitation and surveillance and privacy.
Not only should we worry about what they mean for the way we understand ourselves and our social relationships, but also for the way in which we lead autonomous and just lives in a democratic society.
Her current research explores algorithmic justice, discrimination and bias from the lens of structural injustice. Forget the techno-fix!
Interdisciplinary collaborations and empirical research are inextricably connected to her work, informing the normative claims and frameworks.
Previously, she worked on the Googlization of Health as a post-doc of the ERC project 'Digital Good' (PI Tamar Sharon) at the Interdisciplinary Hub for Security, Privacy and Data Governance (Radboud University). She finished her PhD-research 'The Transparent Self': A Normative Investigation of Changing Selves and Relationships in the Age of the Quantified Self at the 4TU Center for Ethics and Technology (Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciencees, University of Technology Eindhoven). She did a research fellowship at the Social Sciences Faculty and the Human Rights Center of the University of Ottawa.
Marjolein is board member of Bits of Freedom, an NGO that protects online freedom and (digital) civil rights, board member of the Taskforce AI of the UvA and VU and member of the Amsterdam Young Academy.