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Dr. B. (Bernhard) Rieder

Faculty of Humanities
Departement Mediastudies

Visiting address
  • Turfdraagsterpad 9
Postal address
  • Postbus 94550
    1090 GN Amsterdam
  • Profile


    Bernhard Rieder is Associate Professor of New Media and Digital Culture at the University of Amsterdam and a collaborator with the Digital Methods Initiative. His research focuses on the history, theory, and politics of software and in particular on the role algorithms play in the production of knowledge and culture. This work includes the development, application, and analysis of computational research methods and the investigation of political and economic challenges posed by large online platforms.

    After studying Communication, History, and Philosophy at Vienna University, he obtained a PhD in Information and Communication Sciences from Paris 8 University (2006), where he was subsequently appointed Assistant Professor at the Département Hypermédia, co-directing the "Création et Edition Numériques" Master's program. He has been a visiting fellow at Utrecht University's Centre for the Humanities and Descartes Centre and participated in the EMAPS project, an EU-funded study of the applications of electronic mapping led by Prof. Bruno Latour. In 2018, he joined the European Commission's Observatory on the Online Platform Economy as a nominated expert. His long-term investigation into the historical and conceptual foundations of information processing techniques – Engines of Order – was published in 2020 by Amsterdam University Press (print / open access)

    Over the last 20 years, he has contributed to numerous software projects, mainly in the areas of digital research methodology, data visualization, and geolocalization. He used to write and maintain Netvizz, a data extraction application for Facebook, and, together with Erik Borra, released the DMI Twitter Capture and Analysis Toolset as open source in 2014. A full list of research software is available here. Since 2020, his software work is part of the CAT4SMR (Capture and Analysis Tools for Social Media Research) project, funded by the Dutch PDI-SSH foundation.

    Office hours

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  • Publications


    • Burkhardt, S., & Rieder, B. (2024). Foundation models are platform models: Prompting and the political economy of AI. Big Data & Society, 11(2), 1-15. [details]
    • Rieder, B., Peeters, S., & Borra, E. (2024). From tool to tool-making: Reflections on authorship in social media research software. Convergence : The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 30(1), 216–235. [details]
    • de Keulenaar, E., Poell, T., Helmond, A., Rieder, B., & van Gorp, J. (2024). Computational Cross-Media Research: Tracing divergences between normative Dutch television and social media discourses on the ‘refugee crisis’(2013-2018). Convergence : The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies. Advance online publication.
    • van der Vlist, F. N., Helmond, A., Luitse, D. M. R., Rieder, B., Hind, S., & Kanderske, M. (2024). The Political Economy of AI as Platform: Infrastructures, Power, and the AI Industry. In AoIR2024: Research from the Annual Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers (Selected Papers in Internet Research; Vol. 2024). Association of Internet Researchers.




    • Rieder, B., & Skop, Y. (2021). The fabrics of machine moderation: Studying the technical, normative, and organizational structure of Perspective API. Big Data & Society, 8(2). Advance online publication. [details]
    • Sileno, G., Boer, A., Gordon, G., & Rieder, B. (2021). Like Circles in the Water: Responsibility as a System-Level Function. In V. Rodríguez-Doncel, M. Palmirani, M. Araszkiewicz, P. Casanovas, U. Pagallo, & G. Sartor (Eds.), AI Approaches to the Complexity of Legal Systems XI-XII: AICOL International Workshops 2018 and 2020: AICOL-XI@JURIX 2018, AICOL-XII@JURIX 2020, XAILA@JURIX 2020 : revised selected papers (pp. 198-211). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 13048), (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence). Springer. [details]
    • Sileno, G., Boer, A., Gordon, G., & Rieder, B. (2021). Like circles in the water: Responsibility as a system-level function. In G. J. Nalepa, M. Araszkiewicz, M. Atzmueller, B. Verheij, & S. Bobek (Eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd EXplainable AI in Law Workshop (XAILA 2020): co-located with 33rd International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems (JURIX 2020) : Prague, Czech Republic, December 9th, 2020 Article 11 (CEUR Workshop Proceedings; Vol. 2891). CEUR-WS. [details]




    • Abdulla, R., Poell, T., Rieder, B., Woltering, R., & Zack, L. (2018). Facebook polls as proto-democratic instruments in the Egyptian revolution: The ‘We Are All Khaled Said’ Facebook page. Global Media and Communication, 14(1), 141-160. [details]
    • Gerlitz, C., & Rieder, B. (2018). Tweets Are Not Created Equal: investigating Twitter's client ecosystem. International Journal of Communication : IJoC, 12, 528-547. [details]
    • Rieder, B., Matamoros-Fernández, A., & Coromina, Ò. (2018). From ranking algorithms to ‘ranking cultures’: Investigating the modulation of visibility in YouTube search results. Convergence : The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 24(1), 50-68. Advance online publication. [details]







    • Rieder, B. (2012). Institutionalizing without institutions? Web 2.0 and the conundrum of democracy. In F. Massit-Folléa, C. Méadel, & L. Monnoyer-Smith (Eds.), Normative experience in internet politics (pp. 157-186). (Collection Sciences sociales). Transvalor-Presses des Mines. [details]
    • Rieder, B. (2012). The refraction chamber: Twitter as sphere and network. First Monday, 17(11). [details]
    • Rieder, B. (2012). What is in PageRank? A Historical and Conceptual Investigation of a Recursive Status Index. Computational Culture, 2. [details]
    • Rieder, B. (2012). Zentralität und Sichtbarkeit: Mathematik als Hierarchisierungsinstrument am Beispiel der frühen Bibliometrie. In T. Brandstetter, T. Hübel, & A. Tantner (Eds.), Vor Google: eine Mediengeschichte der Suchmaschine im analogen Zeitalter (pp. 223-252). (Kultur- und Medientheorie). Transcript . [details]
    • Rieder, B., & Röhle, T. (2012). Digital methods: five challenges. In D. M. Berry (Ed.), Understanding digital humanities (pp. 67-84). Palgrave Macmillan. [details]
    • Rieder, B., & Smyrnaios, N. (2012). Pluralisme et infomédiation sociale de l’actualité: le cas de Twitter. Réseaux: communication, technologie, société, 176, 105-139. [details]


    • Rieder, B. (2011). Démocratiser la recherche en ligne? De la critique à une conception orientée société. In L. Grivel (Ed.), La recherche d'information en contexte: outils et usages applicatifs (pp. 253-276). (Traité des sciences et techniques de l'information : Série Environnements et services numériques). Lavoisier. [details]




    • Gerlitz, C., & Rieder, B. (2014). Data-Mining von einem Prozent Twitter - Sammlungen, Basislinien, Stichproben. In R. Reichert (Ed.), Big Data: Analysen zum digitalen Wandel von Wissen, Mach und Ökonomie (pp. 203-220). (Digitale Gesellschaft; No. 1). Transcript . [details]
    • Sánchez Querubín, N., Venturini, T., Meunier, A., Munk, A. K., Borra, E. K., Rieder, B., Mauri, M., Azzi, M., Rogers, R. A., & Bounegru, L. (2014). Climaps: A Global Issue Atlas of Climate Change Adaptation. Web publication or website


    • Rieder, B. (2013). Le livre dans la base de données : une interrogation à propos de Google Books. In B. Dufrene, M. Ihadjadene, & D. Bruckmann (Eds.), Numérisation du patrimoine: quels accès? quelles médiations? quelles cultures? (pp. 63-77). (Cultures numériques). Éditions Hermann. [details]


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