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Dr. A. (Amir) Vudka

Faculty of Humanities
Departement Mediastudies
Capaciteitsgroep Media & Cultuur

Visiting address
  • Turfdraagsterpad 1
Postal address
Contact details
  • Publications




    • Vudka, A. (2013). The Tao of BwO: Deleuzian becomings in Kung Fu Cinema. Cinema Journal.


    • Vudka, A. (2020). Bug Wars: Military-Cinematic Campaigns Against Space Insects. In J. Faber, & A. Shraer (Eds.), Eco Noir : A Companion for Precarious Times (pp. 58-99). The Academy of Fine Arts at the University of the Arts Helsinki. [details]


    • Vudka, A. (2015). Zombieland: Der Film World War Z und Israels Krieg gegen die Untoten. Springerin , 21(1).


    • Vudka, A. (2014). Die "Super Joden" von Ajax: Zum Dokumentarfilm "Superjews" von Nirit Peled . Springerin , 20(2).
    • Vudka, A. (2014). The Dance of Reality: Psychomagic in the films of Alejandro Jodorowsky. Cinematheque, September-October(190).


    • Vudka, A. (2012). Het gedeterritorialiseerde Jeruzalem: een Deleuziaans voorstel voor de bevrijding van de Heilige Stad. Filosofie-tijdschrift, 22(3).
    • Vudka, A. (2012). The Thing of Thought: Plato's simulacrum in John Carpenter's "The Thing" . Cinematheque, January-February (174).
    • Vudka, A. (2012). Wie die Ratte zur Umlaufseinheit wird: "Cosmopolis" und die Logik des Spätkapitalismus. Springerin , 18(4).


    • Vudka, A. (2011). 3-D-Kino: das Bindeglied zwischen Vergangenheit und Zukunft. Springerin , 2011(2).
    • Vudka, A. (2011). Vom realen Holocaust und seinem virtuellen Revival: Ein Gang durch das neue Museum in Yad Vashem . Springerin , 17(3).


    • Vudka, A. (2010). Seeing Shooting Crying: Neue Arten der Kriegsführung und die Verkehrung der Opfer - und Taterrollen . Springerin , 16(3).


    • Vudka, A. (2008). Die Macht des Geistes über den Geist: Von der totalen zur verinnerlichten Überwachung. Springerin , 14(4).


    • Vudka, A. (2007). Cinema as the Architecture of Time. Cinematheque, January-February (144).
    • Vudka, A., & Utin, P. (2007). There will always be war: A conversation with Paul Verhoeven. Cinematheque, May-June(146).


    • Vudka, A. (2006). Superman as Man and Übermensch. Cinematheque, September-October(142).
    • Vudka, A. (2006). The Western is Out of the Closet: Another look at the western's sexual preferences after "Brokeback Mountain". Cinematheque, March-April(139).
    • Vudka, A., & Utin, P. (2006). To go easily into a fight: Interview with Gaspar Noe. Cinematheque, September-October(142).


    • Vudka, A. (2005). Star Wars Politics. Cinematheque, February-March(132).

    Talk / presentation

    • Vudka, A. (speaker) (11-7-2024). Psychedelics in humanities and media studies, SUMMER SCHOOL PSYCHEDELIC RESEARCH.
    • Vudka, A. (speaker) (8-7-2024). Cooking the Cosmic Soup: Vincent Moon’s Altered States of Live Cinema, Deleuze and Guattari Studies Conference 2024 Delft .
    • Vudka, A. (speaker) (27-6-2024). Hallowed Circuits: Tracing the Techgnostic Threads of AI, NECS 2024 Conference Izmir .
    • Vudka, A. (speaker) (7-6-2024). AI Pharmakon: AI as Techgnostic Conduit of Ecodelic Consciousness, ICPR.
    • Vudka, A. (speaker) (31-5-2024). What drugs can teach us about media?, Fiber Festival .
    • Vudka, A. (speaker) (23-1-2024). Deleuze and Guattari and the Psychedelic Revival, UvA/Spui 25.
    • Vudka, A. (speaker) (12-11-2023). CBC Tapestry radio show, CBC .…
    • Vudka, A. (speaker) (11-3-2023). Deus ex Machina: AI TechGnosis, Deus ex Machina - AI TechGnosis , Brussles .
    • Vudka, A. (speaker) (9-10-2022). The Golem in the Age of AI, Occultrue , Berlin.
    • Vudka, A. (speaker) (22-9-2022). What is Psychedelic Aesthetics?, ICPR.
    • Vudka, A. (speaker) (10-9-2022). The (im)possibility of getting off grid, Art gallery Billytown.
    • Vudka, A. (speaker) (25-2-2021). The Golem in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, Masaryk University.
    • Vudka, A. (speaker) (9-12-2020). Interspecies relations in the outer reaches, Academy of Fine Arts, Uniarts Helsinki.
    • Vudka, A. (speaker) (18-4-2019). Smartphone Addiction: What Drugs can teach us about Digital Media, UvA/Spui 25.
    • Vudka, A. (speaker) (9-2-2019). Reclaiming the stereotype - Cultural appropriation in Blacula, Studio/K.
    • Vudka, A. (speaker) (29-1-2019). The Human Chameleon: Hybrid Jews in Cinema, UCLA.
    • Vudka, A. (speaker) (8-11-2018). Woman-Machine: Gender and Technology in Japanese Anime, EYE Filmmuseum.
    • Vudka, A. (speaker) (28-6-2018). Media addiction: are smartphones a drug?, Media tactics and engagements. , Amsterdam.
    • Vudka, A. (speaker) (30-4-2018). Response to Joshua Ramey's Politics of Divination, UvA/Spui 25.
    • Vudka, A. (speaker) (2018). Be a Mensch! - Billy Wilder as the Wandering Jew, EYE Filmmuseum.
    • Vudka, A. (speaker) (7-1-2016). Deleuze and Guattari, becoming Jewish and cinema, Tel Aviv University .
    • Vudka, A. (speaker) (14-3-2013). The Golem – from the Jewish Tradition to Contemporary Sci-Fi, Cinemateket - Swedish Film Institute .


    • Vudka, A. (other) (7-5-2024). Electric Sheep Podcast: AI in Sci-Fi (other).
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