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Dr. E.J.T. (Esther) Weltevrede

Associate Professor
Faculty of Humanities
Departement Mediastudies
Photographer: Sebastiaan ter Burg

Visiting address
  • Turfdraagsterpad 9
Postal address
  • Postbus 94550
    1090 GN Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Esther Weltevrede is Associate Professor of New Media and Digital Culture in the Media Studies department at the University of Amsterdam. Her research explores the various research affordances of digital media, with a specific interest in conceptual and methodological innovations in the study of mobile apps and the market for social media engagements. She co-authored Algorithmic Authenticity (Meson Press, 2023). Her work has been published in highly-ranked peer-reviewed journals, including Theory, Culture & Society, Journal of Cultural Economy, Social Media + Society, New Media & Society, Computational Culture, and Big Data & Society. She is a founding member of the Digital Methods Initiative (DMI) and the App Studies Initiative (ASI), and a member of the Beyond Verification (BV) research group and Public Data Lab (PDL). She received a research grant from the Dutch Research Council (NWO) for her project on Apps and Data Infrastructures.

  • Publications


    • Lindquist, J., & Weltevrede, E. (2024). Authenticity Governance and the Market for Social Media Engagements: The Shaping of Disinformation at the Peripheries of Platform Ecosystems. Social Media + Society, 10(1). [details]
    • Weltevrede, E. J. T., & Lindquist, J. A. (2024). The platformization of the follower factory: Para-platforms, automation, and labor in the market for social media engagements. Platform & Society, 1.
    • van der Vlist, F. N., Helmond, A., Dieter, M., & Weltevrede, E. (2024). Super-appification: Conglomeration in the global digital economy. New Media & Society. Advance online publication.
    • van der Vlist, F. N., Helmond, A., Weltevrede, E. J. T., Dieter, M., Duguay, S., Emsley, I., Zhang, F., Burton, A., Dietzel, C., Filice, E., Parry, D., & Johnson, C. (2024). Exploring Appification. In AoIR2024: Research from the Annual Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers (Selected Papers in Internet Research; Vol. 2024). Association of Internet Researchers.


    • Burton, A. G., Chun, W. H. K., Bounegru, L., Devries, M., Harris, A., Holtzclaw, H., Jucan, I., Juhasz, A., Kamish, D. W., Langlois, G., Proctor, J., Tomlinson, C., Vasudevan, R., & Weltevrede, E. (2023). Algorithmic Authenticity. Meson Press. [details]
    • van der Vlist, F. N., Helmond, A., Dieter, M., & Weltevrede, E. J. T. (2023). Super-Appification: Conglomeration in the Mobile Ecosystem. In AoIR2023: Research from the Annual Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers (Selected Papers in Internet Research; Vol. 2023). Association of Internet Researchers.


    • Bounegru, L., Devries, M., & Weltevrede, E. (2022). The Research Persona Method: Figuring and Reconfiguring Personalised Information Flows. In C. Lury, W. Viney, & S. Wark (Eds.), Figure: Concept and Method (pp. 77-104). Palgrave Macmillan. Advance online publication. [details]



    • Gerlitz, C., & Weltevrede, E. (2020). What happens to ANT, and its emphasis on the socio-material grounding of the social, in digital sociology? In A. Blok, I. Farías, & C. Roberts (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Actor-Network Theory (pp. 345-356). (Routledge companions). Routledge. Advance online publication. [details]



    • Borra, E., Niederer, S., Preuß, J., & Weltevrede, E. (2017). Mapping troll-like practices on twitter. In L. Bounegru, J. Gray, T. Venturini, & M. Mauri (Eds.), A 'Field Guide' to 'Fake News' and Other Information Disorders: A collection of recipes for those who love to cook with digital methods (pp. 161-196). Public Data Lab. [details]
    • Pentzold, C., Weltevrede, E., Mauri, M., Laniado, D., Kaltenbrunner, A., & Borra, E. (2017). Digging Wikipedia: The Online Encyclopedia as a Digital Cultural Heritage Gateway and Site. ACM journal on computing and cultural heritage : JOCCH, 10(1), Article 5. Advance online publication. [details]



    • Borra, E., Weltevrede, E., Ciuccarelli, P., Kaltenbrunner, A., Laniado, D., Magni, G., Mauri, M., Rogers, R., & Venturini, T. (2015). Societal Controversies in Wikipedia Articles. In CHI 2015 : Crossings: proceedings of the 33rd annual CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems : April 18-23, 2015, Seoul, Republic of Korea (pp. 193-196). Association for Computing Machinery. [details]





    Prize / grant


    • Weltevrede, E. J. T. (2016). Repurposing digital methods: The research affordances of platforms and engines. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]



    • van der Vlist, F., Helmond, A., Chao, J., Dieter, M., Tkacz, N. & Weltevrede, E. (2022). Historical [COVID-19]-related Android (Google Play) and iOS (App Store) app ecosystems, 2020–2022. Open Science Framework.
    • van der Vlist, F., Helmond, A., Gerlitz, C. & Weltevrede, E. (2022). Social media-related Android (Google Play) and iOS (iTunes Store) app ecosystems. Open Science Framework.


    • van der Vlist, F., Helmond, A., Chao, J., Dieter, M., Tkacz, N. & Weltevrede, E. (2021). [COVID-19]-related Android (Google Play) and iOS (App Store) app ecosystems. Open Science Framework.



    • van der Vlist, F., Helmond, A. & Weltevrede, E. (12-1-2019). Historical Google Play and iTunes (App) Store charts, 2010–2019. Open Science Framework.
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