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Organized by Safae el Khannoussi | Starting date: Tuesday 3 September 2024 15:00-17:00

In his highly influential work Capital, Karl Marx offers a rich and complex critique of the rise and functioning of the capitalist system. Marx is particularly interested in how within the inevitable crises caused by continuous flows of capital, the possibility of a new order takes shape. In this reading group, we will work our way through this important and timely book.

In this seminar, we will a) read Capital: Volume One in its entirety, b) read secondary literature on the text, presented by one or two participants.

We will meet once every two weeks to discuss one or several chapters. For every session, one or two people will present a reading selection to start the discussion. The reading group is open to all, but active participation and regular attendance is required. If you are interested in joining the seminar please contact


  • 3 September      OMHP   C 2.01
  • 17 September    OMHP   E 2.01
  • 1 October            OMHP   E 2.12
  • 15 October         OMHP   E 2.01
  • 29 October         OMHP   A 1.18C
  • 12 November     OMHP   C 2.23
  • 26 November     OMHP   C 2.23
  • 17 December      OMHP kamer C 1.23
  • 7 januari 2025     OMHP  C 2.23
  • 21 januari 2025    OMHP  C 2.23