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Chiara de Cesari – NWA-ORC (co-applicant) 2021-2025  (main applicant: Susan Legêne, VU Amsterdam)

The Work Package “Reconciliation: New Relationships” will be co-led by Dr. Chiara De Cesari at the UvA and Prof. Katja Kwastek at the VU and implemented in collaboration with the Rijksakademie and Framer Framed. It will centre on the Repair Lab (TRL), run by UvA’s Chiara De Cesari. The TRL is an ongoing series of virtual and actual meetings and workshops based on the model of Creative Co-Productions developed by artist Tal Adler to promote change within cultural institutions by way of artistic and collaborative practice-based research produced by multidisciplinary teams.

Prof. dr. C. (Chiara) de Cesari

Faculty of Humanities

Algemene Cultuurwetenschappen