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Every 3rd Friday of the month we come together to share new decolonial research via short presentations and conversations and end the afternoon with drinks.
Event details of Decolonial Dialogues: Talks & Drinks
24 March 2023
16:00 -18:00

Today’s programme is about the way students relate to the colonial past, in and around the University of Amsterdam. The event takes place in the so-called ‘VOC-Zaal’, its existence is the focal point of the videos and podcast discussed in todays programme.  


16:00    Introduction by prof. Margriet Schavemaker

16:05    Viewing first edit docu & talk by Ziru Zhang

16:30    Viewing a selection of videos by students with group discussion

17:00    Q&A with Maaike de Kleijn about podcast Far Too Close

17:15    Drinks

Do you want to attend? Register via the link below or just come by.

Bushuis/Oost-Indisch Huis

Room VOC-zaal
Kloveniersburgwal 48 (main entrance)
1012 CX Amsterdam