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On Friday 31 May, the Africadelic Festival 2024 closes with a day on Nigerian cinema. Join us in the afternoon from 15.00-17.00 (with a networking reception from 17.00-18.00) in UvA's BuzzHouse for a masterclass on production, acting or distribution by the seasoned Nollywood icons Chris Odeh, Ramsey Tokunbo Nouah and Joy Efe Odiete respectively. Don't miss this unique opportunity to learn about indepent filmmaking in Nigeria from the best in the Nollywood business. And you know what: they are in talks about a co-production partly filmed in the Netherlands that you might be a part of.
Event details of Nollywood Masterclasses
31 May 2024
15:00 -17:00

Production Masterclass ('Before You Say Action') by Chris Odeh

Chris Odeh is a prolific film producer with over 15 years of experience in the industry. having produced over 15 Nollywood films, he recently released Before You Say Action: An Indie Filmmaker's Handbook, offering (aspiring) indie filmmakers an insightful journey into the multifaceted world of independent filmmaking. In this production masterclass, Odeh will share his experiences in producing Nollywood films, exploring themes such as storytelling, budgeting, team work and production management.

Acting masterclass ('Learn from the Lover-Boy') by Ramsey Tokunbo Nouah

Ramsey Tokunbo Nouah began acting in the early 1990s and won the Africa Movie Academy Award for Best Actor in 2009. Starring in many leading roles, he is still is one of the most sought-after actors in Nigeria. In his first-ever acting masterclass in the Netherlands, the Nollywood star shares how he creates memorable characters, powerful performances, and a long-lasting career.

Distribution masterclass ('Understanding the African Film Market') by Joy Efe Odiete

Joy Efe Odiete is an award-winning Nigerian film distributor, sales agent and aggregator of streaming platforms such as Netflix and Amazon. Since 2006 she is the CEO of Blue Pictures Entertainment, a Nigerian-based film distribution company established in 2006. In her first-ever distribution masterclass in the Netherlands, Odiete shares her 20+ years of experience in film distribution in Nigeria, across Africa and around the world.