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Since a great deal is invested in obtaining valuable research data, good data management is important. But what does that involve? How do you ensure that your data remain accessible and usable in the future, for yourself and others? This introductory workshop will help you get started.
Event details of PhD Skills | Research Data Management: Group A (online)
21 September 2023
09:30 -12:30

The workshop centers around the data management plan (DMP): a digital document in which you describe what data you are going to collect during your research project, how you will store and manage the data during the project, and what will happen to the data after the project has finished.

Planning for data management reduces the chances of having to face nasty surprises later in your research. It will save you time, work and money. Moreover, a growing number of research funders make a (succinct) DMP mandatory.

Course dates

Group A | online-only
Thursday 21 September Friday 22 September 2023
09:30 - 12:30
Please note that the 6-hour course is divided over two days -- attendance is expected on both days!
Location: Online only