Hybrid event (for carbon reasons), for the zoom link please register here.
Date: May 28, 2024
Time: 14.00 – 17.30
You are warmly invited to the launch for the launch of Territories of Incarcera.on, a special
issue of The Journal of Architecture expertly curated by Sabrina Puddu. For the special
issue, please see here.
This special issue collates a variety of European experiences that unveil the extent to which carceral and para-carceral institutions partook in the conquest and spatial restructuring of iinland Europe in key moments of consolida8on of national states’ political power and market economy. These cases were not sporadic initiatives tackling the periphery of the state but a systemic strategy to reshape the rural domain in modernity and, through these peripheries, the core of the state itself.
By intertwining internal colonization, the countryside and carcerality, Territories of
Incarcera.on offers an urgent picture of how modern prison institutions have historically
operated at multiple scales spanning from the interior of the modern cell to the vastness of
their estates and of their neighbouring regions. It shows how they have operated through the making of dis8nc8ve territori that are complex ecosystems made of infrastructural elements, artificial productive landscapes, and architectural artefacts and elements — prison dormitories and farming shelters, as well as fences and walls to contain, protect, and exploit human and other-than-human subjects.
The programme for this afternoon will consists of two parts. The first zooms in on the special
issue, the other on collec8vely exploring further avenues of research. If you would like to attend, please send an email to h.h.stuit@uva.nl and sabrinapdd@gmail.com, preferably also indicating which parts you would like to attend.
14.00 – 15.30 Launch special issue
15.30 – 16.00 Break
16.00 – 17.30 Exploring avenues for further research
Speakers, part 1:
Sabrina Puddu
Introduction to Territories of Incarceration
Ricardo Costa Agarez & Marta Macedo
Punishment, Re-educa.on and Agriculture: Portuguese Internal and Imperial Penal
Colonisation in the Nineteenth Century
Hollyamber Kennedy
Wastelands of Empire, Sites of ‘Salva.on’: Landscapes of ‘Reform’ in Late Nineteenth Century Germany
Hanneke Stuit
Pastoral Entrapment and the Idyllic-Carceral Continuum
Sabrina Puddu
MeIray 1840/2022 – A Photo Essay (a work by Giaime Meloni and Sabrina Puddu)