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Session 1 of the "We Have Never Had Sex" seminar organized by Marija Cetinic, Catrinel Radoi, and Imogen Grigorovich | September 18th, 15-18h | Masterclass by Dr. Dominiek Hoens, Royal Institute for Theatre, Cinema and Sound.
Event details of Capital Owes You Nothing. On Lacan, Pascal, and Pure Love
18 September 2024
15:00 -18:00

Dominiek Hoens, PhD (Ghent  University), teaches philosophy at the Royal Institute for Theatre, Cinema and Sound (RITCS, Brussels), where he also does research under the heading of “Capital owes you nothing”. Recent publications include an edited collection on Marguerite Duras  (,  a chapter on Jacques Lacan in Routledge Handbook of Psychoanalytic Political Theory (2020), and several articles on Blaise Pascal.