What if…
The ATD Research Month 2025 is organized by the Lectorate of the Academy of Theatre and Dance (AHK), led by Lector Laura Cull Ó Maoilearca who is also a member of ASCA through her appointment as special chair in Performance Philosophy at the UvA.
The three public events of the Research Month directly relate to the themes of the Leerstoel which focusses on performance philosophy, the human/non-human relationship and social justice.
- What if… (RE)search and (RE)generation? session op woensdag 8 januari
- What if… Decoloniality? symposium op dinsdag 14 januari
- What if… Neurodiversity? symposiumop woensdag 22 januari
They also provide an opportunity for students, teachers and researchers from UvA and AHK to encounter each other - which is another aim of the Leerstoel.
The symposium What if... Neurodiversity? is also organized in collaboration with NICA: Netherlands Institute for Cultural Analysis and includes fellow ASCA researcher Leni van Goidsenhoven as a contributor.
Through these and future gatherings, we hope to support the development of cross-institutional connections, community and solidarity for those investigating how to practice more just and regenerative futures.