Starting at al ‘Arub refugee camp where Dr Hashem Abushama grew up and moving between the territories Israel occupied in 1948, and lived a geography prone to rupture and transformation. In his award winning essay, he describes the process of countermapping this geography. But the production and erasure of maps are part of the very same systems of power and exploitation. So why does his alternative maps or counter map matter? In this masterclass, Dr Abushama addresses the claims in which counter-maps can make regarding understandings of space and time as fixed and linear.
In discussion with Annelys de Vet, the Belgium-based designer, researcher, and educator with a practice for long-term, participative design projects that actively engage in social and political struggles and creator of the Subject Atlas – this masterclass with Dr Hashem Abushama and Annelys de Vet will be an opportunity to learn how to put theory into practice, and how it is to create counter-maps which are anticolonial in practice and do not perpetuate colonial knowledge systems. For scholars joining the workshop, they’ll be an opportunity to interrogate and understand your own research practices and case studies which make use of such methods.
The masterclass will take place on February 7 2025, 10am-2pm - Location TBC but in Singel University Library, Amsterdam. Attendance in person is mandatory.
Registration deadline: January 17th, 2025 – you can register here:
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