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Reading Group Organized by Annemijn Kwikkers and Yorgos Karagiannopoulos | First session: 6 Fenruary 2025, 3-5 pm. | In light of the upcoming visit of the Spinoza professor Dr. Jennifer Lackey, we organize a reading group on social epistemology. We will meet 3 times on Thursday afternoon at PC Hoofthuis.
Event details of Social Epistemology / Jennifer Lackey
6 February 2025


We will read texts by Lackey, but also other renowned authors in the field. For the first meeting we suggest reading one of Lackey’s classic works, while the other meetings we organically decide what to read.

We will meet on the following dates:

  • February 6th 15.00-17.00
  • March 6th 15.00-17.00
  • April 3rd 15.00-17.00

For the first meeting we will read Lackey, J., 2021, The Epistemology of Groups, Oxford: Oxford University Press., Chapter 2: What Is Justified Group Belief?

If you want to join the reading group and receive the text and the details about the location please email Annemijn Kwikkers: or Yorgos Karagiannopoulos: