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Dramaturgie van het antropoceen. Theatraliteit in transitie(s) (Dramaturgy of the Anthropocene. Theatricality in Transition(s)) | 4 March 2025, 13.00 hrs. Agnietenkapel, Supervisors: Kati Röttger; Odile Heynders.
Event details of Dissertation Defense: Alice Breemen
4 March 2025

n this PhD project I research how dramaturgies of contemporary Dutch theatrical performances engage with issues related to the (concept of the) Anthropocene. Through practicing creative concepting (Van der Tuin and Verhoeff 2022), I develop an ontoepistemological understanding of the concept theatricality as tool of analysis. In each case study, this notion of ontoepistemological theatricality is at the core of the analysis of the dramaturgy of each performance in connection respectively with the following concepts representative of the Anthropocene: astronaut | pandemic | islands |

Synthesized, the case studies’ performance analyses form a collection of speculative future scenarios for living and dying in and after the Anthropocene, connected to central problems associated with climate change: dying forests, sea level rise, colonizing space, and most recently the COVID-19 pandemic. My PhD project aims to research these alternative climate change narratives for the Anthropocene, focusing on how theatre makers are applying theatrical strategies and developing new dramaturgies to make sense of this geological epoch in which the influence of humankind on the planet became visible.



Room Agnietenkapel
Oudezijds Voorburgwal 229 - 231
1012 EZ Amsterdam