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In September 2024, Decolonial Futures will be release a call for applications for Scholars in Residence

Following up from the successful launch of our inaugural Seed Grant call, we are planning to release a call soon for Scholars in Residence. As we know that this call will be published tight on the heels of your summer vacation, we thought it would be good to give you all a heads up about it.

We will invite members of our community, working in one of our three Faculties, to invite scholars to come to Amsterdam, present work and develop their ideas and projects in conversation with staff located in one of our three contributing faculties. Scholars should aim to visit the UvA for a period 3-4 weeks between November 2024 and June 2025. We hope to offer a generous set of terms to fund visa applications, flights, accommodation and substinence.  

We will issue the call in September and applicants will have approximately 3 weeks to apply. 

We hope that this gives you all some time to reflect on possible candidates, with an eye to making your application in the fall.

Best wishes,
The Decolonial Futures Team